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In order to cope with jealousy, you must first understand what it is. And what happens inside a person when he experiences it. Jealousy is a mental process that is created from several ingredients. Self-doubt, low self-esteem. A jealous person does not love himself fully. He sees flaws in himself, thinks that he is not attractive enough, not good enough for his partner. This person doubts his own uniqueness, does not notice his merits, and is dissatisfied with himself. A person may become too demanding of his life partner. He is outraged by the fact that a loved one is paying attention to someone else. Fear of being abandoned, unnecessary, unimportant. A jealous person is afraid that his partner will choose someone else over him. A person is afraid that he will be rejected, insolvent. Behind the fear of being unnecessary is a deeper fear - fear of loneliness. Mistrust of oneself and people. Resistance to the truth. A jealous person is not always ready to hear the truth about himself. He often thinks he is right, not even wanting to listen to the people around him, which further complicates the situation. Because reaching the mind of such a person is not always easy. The state of jealousy can be acute and periodic, but it can also be constant. It can take the form of rage and hatred towards a partner, a desire to humiliate him, control him, monitor him, threaten him. A jealous person may try to make a partner dependent on himself, so that he does not leave for someone else, as long as he is always there and in no case gives his attention to someone else. A jealous person tries to tie his life partner to himself by any means: money, power, a sense of duty, guilt, fear, pity. Pictures of betrayal constantly appear in the head of a jealous person. He is looking for evidence of his suspicions. In the actions of a loved one, he sees lies, contempt and dislike for himself, he feels deprived of his partner’s attention, and is in an anxious, restless state. A jealous person can turn his life and the lives of other people who live next to him into hell. But it is he who must understand the meaninglessness and painfulness of his behavior. It is he who, for the sake of himself and his loved ones, can realize the importance of his own work on himself and taking responsibility for his actions. After all, a person is the center of his Universe and it is he who decides how to treat a situation in order to resolve it successfully. And there is always a way out. And behind jealousy there is one single desire to be loved and to love, to live in a harmonious happy relationship, to be a sincere person and to feel this sincerity in other people. So why not do it right now. Just start thinking and perceiving what is happening differently.1. If a feeling of jealousy arises, ask yourself, is there any point in feeling it? Do you need it or is it better to replace it with another more pleasant feeling? At this moment, imagine that time has stopped. There is only you and the present moment in time. Think about any positive feeling you have for your life partner. Let it fill you. Let your thoughts, feelings, sensations turn into one pleasant state of gratitude, love, happiness, peace, joy.2. Convey your feelings to your partner calmly and tactfully. Then he will understand you better and will meet you halfway.3. Don't ask your partner to change if he's not ready for it and doesn't want it. Change yourself, look for new approaches to solving a problem, and you will definitely find them.4. Figure out what kind of partner’s behavior causes this feeling? Ask him why he does this? If a person is late home from work, does not take you to corporate parties, does not praise you for dinner, or meets with friends in a bathhouse or cafe, this is not a reason for jealousy, this is just his natural desire to be somewhere -also, among colleagues, in a purely male company, for example, if it’s a man, or have a bachelorette party if it’s a girl. Each person can have their own.