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From the author: Tadahiko Nagao and Isamu Saito "Kokology" Greetings, friends! I offer a test game. To complete this test, you need to read the text instructions and imagine the plot that is proposed. There is no limit to the imagination! You can make a drawing, write what you imagined. AFTER read the interpretation about what this or that symbolizes in your fantasy on the test. This exercise is not a personality diagnosis; the symbolism of imagining plots is different for each person and can suggest our current state at one time or another. Of course, there are also basic archetypal metaphors for the symbolism of certain objects or plots of human behavior, but this is a more in-depth study. Exercises from the "Kokology" series will help you explore yourself and entertain a group of friends. Welcome to the endless world of imagination! So, take a pen, a piece of paper and let's start imagining........Your desktop is littered with unfinished work; everyone else had long since left the office and gone home. You look at your watch and it laughs back at you. Feeling weak inside, you wonder if this work will ever end. A professor is giving a three-hour lecture on the world's most boring topic. The lesson has only started for half an hour, and there is already no room for devils in your notebook. You begin to feel as if you are somehow frozen in time. Waiting can be a special form of torture, much worse than any momentary pain. The combination of frustration and boredom can send even the bravest of hearts into a state of panic. Our first journey will bring us face to face with infinity. Give yourself a minute to prepare yourself and enter the endless desert...1. You are riding a camel through the vast and empty expanses of what seems like an endless desert. You are almost on the verge of exhaustion. What do you say to the camel that has been carrying you all this time? (write down your answer) 2. Just when you think you're going to die of thirst, a beautiful oasis appears. But someone has already arrived here before you. Who is this other traveler? (Call the name of a person you know.) (write down the answer) 3. Time passes slowly in the desert, and it seems like an eternity passes before the city lights appear on the horizon. Finally you have reached your destination. How do you feel coming to the end of your journey? (write down the answer) 4. The time has come to part with the camel on which you have been riding for so long. As soon as you dismount, another rider climbs into the saddle to take your place. Who is this new rider? (Name another person in your life.) (write down your answer) Test Key: The desert and camel symbolize the journey to personal independence. In particular, this scenario reveals your feelings about breaking up with your loved one. Your responses demonstrate what your reaction might be when the time comes for everyone to go their separate ways. 1. The words you say to the camel reveal what you can say to yourself when you realize that love has been lost. Have you tried to speak words of encouragement: “We’ll get through this somehow!” or “Don't worry, it can't last forever”? Or was there a hint of despair - “we are lost... it’s hopeless... we will die here”?2. In the language of symbolism, an oasis means the key to solving problems. The person you met there could be someone who has helped or supported you in the past, or someone you can turn to during difficult times. 3. The city at the end of a journey signifies order restored to your emotions after you have healed your broken heart. The feelings you experience when you reach the city are your true feelings after you finally come to your senses after the loss