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A resistant client resembles a train that has been idle for some time. The longer a client lives with a disturbing issue, the harder it is for him to move. Sometimes this barrier arises in the initial stages of counseling. Resistance occurs when the client has a problem, but he does not want to resolve it. How can a psychologist work with resistance? Firstly, you should not force the train. The client needs to want changes himself. Secondly, the psychologist should show delicacy and understanding: it was not easy for the client, the train was on the spare rails for so many years. Thirdly, the psychologist should not rush. Today the client does not give in, this may happen another time. Solve problems sedately, help the client partially unload the car. Fourth, prepare meaningful homework for the client, which can help set the mood for further work. The psychologist’s task at the initial stages is not to frighten the client; the train may disappear in an unknown direction. Fifthly, the psychologist should not succumb to provocation. A resistant client transfers his protest to the psychologist by blaming, insulting, ignoring questions, and wanting to conduct the conversation himself. It seems that everything that has stagnated in the carriage has fallen on your head. Sixthly, it is necessary to keep track of what position the psychologist and the client are in: parent-child, parent-parent, child-child. Return to the adult position and transfer the client to the adult position. Metaphorical cards and the use of metaphors are great for working with resistance. These techniques have a mild effect and can be used simultaneously. Metaphorical associative maps and metaphors work effectively when the client finds it difficult to describe in words what is bothering him. Associations help to put emotions and feelings into words, to express one’s attitude towards certain things. Using these techniques, a search for a resource is carried out to overcome obstacles, expanding the range of visible.