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If we can say about an adult that he made his choice to a greater or lesser extent consciously, then a child quite often becomes an unwitting hostage to the lifestyle of his parents, whose behavior and habits he copies on a conscious and subconscious level. The computer plays a big role in our life. Before a child appears in the family, adults do not think about the impact this miracle of technology has on their health. But when a baby is born and grows up, mothers and fathers need to know that a computer can be both a friend and an enemy for a baby. What is the benefit of a child communicating with a computer? While playing on a computer, a child develops fine motor skills, trying to hit the keys. The child develops arbitrariness, since the game requires concentration and holding it for a long time. But the peculiarities of the child’s psyche force the child to adapt to the world around him in an extremely short time, which is absolutely true in relation to the world of computers. Unfortunately, many of the changes caused by this peculiarity of the child are not immediately noticeable by an ordinary person (only an experienced teacher or psychologist can cope with this task). Examples include changes in emotional terms, the appearance of increased aggressiveness, and frequent outbreaks of violence. You can also pay attention to another aspect - the child’s flight of fancy, characteristic of his age, stops, he becomes unable to create his own visual images, and also with great difficulty can generalize and analyze the information received. Long-term communication with a computer can quite often lead to the development of long-term disorders in the mental and intellectual development of a child. Some psychologists are already noticing in the so-called “computer generation” a deterioration in the functioning of certain types of memory, the emergence of emotional immaturity and general irresponsibility. Using a computer incorrectly has a negative impact on both the physiology and psyche of the baby. Let's start with physiology: 1. Immobility causes unnatural tension in the body.2. Eye overload affects the child’s vision, worsening it.3. Physical inactivity - in general, the basic functions of the body are disrupted.4. Over time, electromagnetic radiation affects the physical health of the baby. Sitting at the computer for a long time changes posture and the development of scoliosis is possible. But all this can be avoided if you carefully monitor the position and how much time the child spends at the computer. It is much more difficult to prevent the development of mental disorders. Let's talk about some of them: 1. Overwork. It comes after sitting at the computer for a long time. This condition is caused due to neuro-emotional stress and constant concentration while working at the computer.2. The child's horizons narrow. During the game, children are offered a certain algorithm of action; no imagination is needed at all. After spending a long time with his favorite toy, the baby stops thinking and fantasizing. In addition, by constantly working with the mouse, you lose the opportunity to gain sensory experience and develop fine motor skills of the hands, which is very useful for the development of speech and correct pronunciation.3. Children develop an addiction to their favorite computer game earlier, since during this exciting process the brain structures that are responsible for pleasure are excited.4. It happens that children transfer the game into reality and thus their perception of the world is distorted. Psychologists say that by transferring the game into life, the child develops cruelty and aggression. After all, the plot of most games boils down to surviving, killing or surpassing your opponents.5. A feeling of loneliness and selfishness develops. This happens when parents consciously use the computer to keep their child busy. The problem of socializing the child in society arises. It becomes difficult for the child to communicate with peers.