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Love is a magical feeling! How we waited for her in our youth, dreamed about her, read books and watched films. In them, love is passionate, fatal, tender, reverent, sensual, all-consuming, all-forgiving, maddening, it is not afraid of obstacles, time and distances, and most importantly, it is real, devoted, unique, alone and for life.. He loves her, suffers, achieves, fights for her, showers her with gifts, humiliates himself in front of her, and sometimes even falls ill with a terrible disease or dies of love, but always miraculously remains alive. And this miracle is her love! Magical, right? But in life, everything is somehow wrong... It seems that it begins, a faint echo of a novel, but everything ends on the first page and goes into everyday life... And we are waiting for him, this Nutcracker, to turn into a prince and begin the same, real life and love... But no, the Log remains a Log and has no idea about our innermost female dream... Probably this female dream is indestructible, we grow up, get used to the real state of affairs, but the dream cannot be killed (women's trainings and programs , no matter who leads them, a woman or a man, are full of sufferers). How not to be disappointed in love 1. Don’t torment yourself with the question “Is it love or not love? And if not love, then what?” It is obviously impossible to find an answer to this question. Instead of just being in this relationship and enjoying it, you will be tormented and wondering whether this most extraordinary feeling has visited you or not. You will exhaust yourself, you will exhaust your partner, because you yourself do not know what the symptoms of this very True Love are. Be in a relationship, show attention and interest in your partner, accept and give care, note how comfortable and interesting you are with him.2. It is not true that True Love lasts forever, does not change over time and remains with a person for life. Everything changes and we must remember this. Over time, we change, relationships change, we change in relationships. And if we ourselves do not devote time to relationships and do not develop them, then they fade, die out, cool down... Devote time to relationships, communicate more often, take romantic walks and trips, make dates (even if you have been married for a long time). Share your dreams and plans, worries and hopes more often.3. Sex is not a hindrance to Love, but it has nothing to do with love. Learn to separate physics (sex) and metaphysics (love). Sex is a continuation and expression of feelings and sensuality, and not vice versa. It also changes over time.4. Do not strive to become an attentive and caring mother for your man. Always remember that he already has a mother and he doesn’t need a second one, he needs a woman. 5. Do not try to save a man from personal and family worries and problems. A man needs to feel needed by his family.