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Two years ago a young man came to me for a consultation. His job was related to securities trading and every day he had to risk his clients' money. In this regard, he constantly experienced strong internal tension not only during the day, but also at night; he could not fall asleep for a long time due to various thoughts in his head. After some time, he developed heart problems, frequent headaches, irritability, he could “explode” for any reason, which certainly affected his work and family. The main question to the psychologist during the consultation was: “How can I cope with the daily stress that I experience at work?”...Today in our country, according to statistics, every second person in their workplace is in a state of stress, and every third - in a state of severe stress. Indeed, a very stressful lifestyle, excessive workload, and a large amount of information coming from outside lead to exhaustion of the human nervous system, as a result of which these symptoms appear. Fatigue, irritability, headaches, insomnia, conflict at work and at home, a tendency to solitude, appetite disorders, loss of interest in life... Currently, about 80% of people experience chronic fatigue syndrome, which as a result can lead to various diseases: from cardiovascular to oncological. Often this syndrome develops against the background of daily stress and quietly destroys health and affects career and personal life. What to do and how to cope with daily stress, let's turn to the recommendations of psychologists. Firstly, the basic rules of time management will help distribute energy during the working day and working week. It is important to systematically draw up a plan for the current day (week, month) and strictly follow it! Secondly, watch your diet, eat foods rich in B vitamins and reduce coffee consumption. Thirdly, sign up for a massage, visit the pool, daily take walks - this will reduce internal tension and give you strength and energy! It’s also very important how you feel about the situation. Remember the postulate: if you cannot change the situation, change your attitude towards it! Look at the situation from the outside, as if from a third person - how do you like it? Think about what you would say about this situation in 5 years, 10, 15... Recently, an old friend of mine (the young man I wrote about at the beginning of the article) appeared on the threshold of my office. During the time we didn’t see each other, big changes took place in his life - now he is the head of the investment department of one of the largest Russian banks, a promising, successful and satisfied man with life. I think that his stress has not decreased, but his responsibility has become much greater! I am glad that our rules for stress tolerance, jointly developed in consultations, which he follows to this day, help him cope with any difficulties.