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If you don’t want others to manage you, manage yourself, and time management (TM) will help us with this.TM has several effective methods for dealing with routine affairs in which we most often get stuck or endlessly put off until later, and they keep accumulating and accumulating and turning into a snowball, absorbing our time. It’s better to deal with things right away, without delay, clearing the way for yourself to new horizons. So, the Pomodoro Method (or Pomodoro): Identify the problem/task that needs to be solved. Set a comfortable time for solving it with breaks. For example, make a report in 3 hours, with two breaks of 20 minutes each. During the time set for work, you should not be distracted by extraneous matters. For the most effective results, it is advisable to correlate the periods of working time with the hours of your maximum activity. Method of eating frogs Why frogs, was my first question when I learned about this method. It’s simple, the authors of this method associated small but unpleasant matters/problems with a frog, and eating as the elimination of the problem. The essence of the method: to solve a problem, you need to start the day by solving it, for example, draw up or revise an agreement, make an appointment with a difficult client, visit the tax office. But if the problem is “global”, very large, the method of eating an elephant will help us. An elephant is a big problem that is better to solve in parts. Imagine that you need to eat a cake, what is the most convenient way to hand it over? Cutting into pieces. So here too, if you don’t know where to start, make a plan and act. When we break down a complex task into points, it is psychologically easier for us to cope with it, we don’t see as many obstacles and are more willing to take on it. For example, the well-known “elephant” is renovating an apartment. What is the best place to start - by determining the start date of the repair, and even better, its end date. Next is the estimate (budget), the choice of a craftsman, then the materials. Swiss cheese method: Here the solution to a large problem (cheese) occurs in a random order, a little at a time (holes in the cheese). If you already know what you need to do (the plan has been drawn up), start acting as soon as you have the opportunity and inspiration to do so. For example, a vacation is planned, but neither the tour nor the exact dates have been selected. Use a “window” for this at work or in household chores, don’t waste time, close the issue with your vacation, look at reviews, compare prices and book the best option. Warren Buffett’s method of setting priorities The idea of ​​this method is very simple - make a list of important things/tasks from 25 points (for a week, a month) of which highlight the 5 main ones and act! Return to secondary tasks only after solving the main ones. A similar method is the Eisenhower matrix. We often do “empty” things without noticing it, we waste time and energy without getting results. Make a list of to-dos and tasks. Enter your affairs into this matrix, which consists of four quadrants; the visibility of important and unimportant, urgent and non-urgent matters will help you concentrate on the main thing and achieve results! I wish you success and productivity! Psychologist Victoria Vasilyeva