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Do you ever have the following sensations: “I can notice anxiety throughout the day - it sometimes jumps and may even knock in my temples or pound in my heart, or maybe it can slightly remind me of itself with background anxiety?” . And the question immediately arises: “How to get rid of it?” So why does Anxiety accompany us throughout our lives and what to do with it? I really want to get rid of it once and for all! Question: “Why get rid of Anxiety?” I understand that this question is shocking. But there is a very simple explanation for this question. Anxiety is the very first and simplest physiological reaction of the body to any, and almost any, stress. For example, anxiety: - diving into the depths for the first time, or maybe not the first time; - a date with someone you like, or courtship ;- pick up examination results in the hospital; - go in and speak in front of a new or large audience, or maybe any audience; - before and after an exam (especially if it is important as a stepping stone to something); - at work in the management office; when there is an unfair act and you want to defend yourself; - make a simple phone call, if its result is important or after a quarrel, etc. - “when you need to get out of the usual program, template and do something that previously seemed impossible or wrong "(Added from the comments - below, under the article. Thanks to Alatortseva N.A.). I am sure that you, remembering this feeling (or rather sensation) in the body, will give many examples of different situations almost every day." So what to do ? Anxiety interferes so much...” And, indeed, it interferes/does not allow you to miss this important moment - it forces you to stop and pay attention to the cause of the anxiety. For example, before an exam, your anxiety draws attention to the fact that it is important for you to pass the exams and you also want to get a decent grade. Understanding this, you will put more effort into preparing than you would have done if you weren’t worried about the exam. Another example, if you feel unwell for a long time, then your anxiety rises and indicates that something is happening in your body and perhaps this is a disease - as a result, you turn to doctors and take care of your health in this way. What examples do you remember from your life when anxiety prompted you? Summary #1: anxiety has very important protective functions that provide us with the satisfaction of many needs ( How does fear keep us safe? And the better we know our anxiety (when and what it tells us), the lower the level and duration of anxiety will be! Those. the body only needs a few seconds of increased heart rate to draw your attention to the importance of the event. How to reduce the level of anxiety so that it only draws your attention, but does not stop and immobilize you (as with high levels of anxiety)? I like simple but effective methods. If we start from a view of anxiety as a “frightened child” (usually we react with our childish part), then you can mentally take yourself “into your arms” and calm down - accept the anxiety, support, tell yourself something encouraging and confident. For example, “Yes, I’m worried about the exam, but I’ve been preparing and I know something for sure. I can always retake the exam, this is just another step towards my career and my success...” Another, more thorough way - start a Diary for your anxiety and write down everything that happens when it jumps: - How does the level of anxiety change and what does it depend on? - What calms me down? - At what moments, situations does anxiety arise? etc. So you get to know your anxiety, begin to understand about its causes and what reduces it specifically for you. Summary #2: you can reduce your anxiety, but only in ways unique to you and only when you get to know her, understand her reasons. Summary #3: if you ignore your anxiety for a long time (often for years, as client stories show), then an irreversible (without psychotherapy) process of psychosomatization begins. Your body chooses a different language to communicate with you -.