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From the author: Men live in a world of status, and women live in a world of intimacy. Conflict can be characterized as the transformation of dialogue into monologues: each side makes accusations, not wanting to listen to the other side. In communication between a man and a woman there is there are as many myths, prejudices and stereotypes as there are, probably, in no other area of ​​human relationships. Sometimes you can hear such hard-won opinions that “men and women are from different planets.” Differences in behavior patterns associated with gender often cause conflicts based on mutual misunderstanding, divergence of interests, values ​​and approaches to resolving emerging problems. The problem of conflict and aggressiveness of men and women is solved ambiguously. Outwardly, men look much more aggressive. Boys, for example, fight more often, disobey their parents, rebel against teachers... however, girls have their own, less obvious ways of showing aggression and conflict. The most typical of their methods of negative influence are boycott, emotional rejection, and isolation. Let’s remember the notorious “women’s team” with its intrigues, undercurrents and other complex emotional conflicts. At the same time, women are more careful and do not go to extremes, to a direct threat to life and health, to an open violation of basic social norms. The issue of intergender aggression is ambiguous. At the animal level, there are very strict instinctive taboos against displaying aggression towards females. It is noted that if a cable shows aggression towards a bitch even in response to her attack, then he cannot be considered mentally normal and safe for a person. A person has many similar deep-seated attitudes. However, here too people have won a victory over nature: many men can easily hit a woman with more than just a flower. However, social norms dictate that people should refrain from physical aggression against women. At the same time, even those focused on observing culturally prescribed etiquette, men are ready to react aggressively to neglect from a woman for fear of looking worse in her eyes. This fear suppresses the desire not to harm the woman. Therefore, the objects of chivalry are usually meek, non-aggressive, harmless women. Men live in the world of status, and women live in the world of intimacy. In accordance with this, the former fight for their independence, in every possible way protecting their dignity from even seeming attacks, and the latter to achieve and maintain emotional intimacy, fearing rejection and isolation. Boys compete in their games, defining the hierarchy and their status in it. Their games have clear rules and criteria for success. Girls are focused on equality, those who try to stand out usually receive nicknames like "fancy". Subsequently, women in the family sacrifice success and self-realization for the sake of maintaining relationships. Very often, conflicts between men and women arise due to different readings of messages to each other, especially since women are less inclined to speak directly, especially about their desires. Thus, an invitation made by a woman to discuss an issue or negotiate often sounds to a man as a request for information or for him to make a decision. Often a woman’s question is like: “what do you think about...?” entails a man making a decision. The exchange of fleeting feelings and details of information for a woman is a means and evidence of achieving intimacy. Men consider this petty and do not like to go into “insignificant” details. An attempt by women to ask men about the details of what happened to them or to talk about their impressions often ends in conflict. For women, talking about adversities and troubles is, first of all, an attempt to get sympathy, “stroking.” It is this reaction that for them is evidence of emotional closeness and empathy. Often they do not expect concrete action in response to complaints. Men feel obligated.