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I'm lying on the sofa staring blankly at the TV... there's an advertisement for some vitamins for women and a screensaver - "in Russia, 70% of women suffer from fatigue....." And then I like an electric shock!!! I was TIRED!!!!! And a whole process of awareness began... For several weeks now, I’ve been at a “low start” - it seems like I’m not doing any visible things, and I don’t have much strength. And if I do something, it’s always with great difficulty. I felt like I was moving a mountain, but in reality (as it seemed to me) it was a mouse fuss, ordinary work moments. I thought about the fact that I was still sick, I remembered that I’m not 20 anymore (((. In general, in the bustle of monotonous days I didn’t notice the main thing... I really got sick. The “virus” took a lot of strength and felt like an incredible weakness in my body. What I could only do was serve my needs only my own!!! This condition reminded me of the “old woman”. purposefully and concentratedly does only what she can do. And only the most important thing. She simply has no strength for anything else... Concentration, focus on herself and her feelings and extreme care for herself and her energy. In a normal state, I don’t even I could imagine this! And then the “Eureka” moment came! It turns out that in a healthy working state, I can waste time and energy on other people’s goals and tasks, on shouldering those tasks in the house that I could delegate to household members, on viewing Internet resources that they just take away my attention and time, and so much more... I just somehow saw the light!!! This painful weakness helped me separate the wheat from the chaff))) After recovery, I “hit the job” with great joy, but I was happy early . While doing things related to the work process, I quickly began to lose interest in it. And I couldn’t understand what was wrong with me. And a dreary feeling of dissatisfaction appeared. Which brought me to the couch and watching that BLESSED ADVERTISING. When I realized - I'M TIRED!!! And in this Tired - there were so many meanings: the attitude towards myself, my health and my time, and that I somehow did not take care of myself - my value, and that I forgot - that I was a woman, but became just a person without gender, and that I am constantly doing something, doing and doing... vanity under the guise of urgent and important matters and work moments. Of course, no one canceled the case. And these are important processes in life, both for your advancement and success, and for much more. But without your caring attitude towards yourself, towards all your aspects of the “I”, it has become simply impossible to live a truly fulfilling life. And after that I was TIRED, it was as if permission to be this fatigue in my life. I can get tired too, and sometimes I really need rest. And these vacations once or twice a year are definitely not for my rhythm of life. And that I really need to give myself the opportunity to please myself - then fatigue leaves my body. Emotional saturation with favorable impressions definitely helps me to be more active, more successful, more alive. And then it was as if I was carried away - to please myself, delegate authority, go where it was fun (where I didn’t go without allowing myself to feel tired), the men around me circled like bees above watermelon, my beloved suggested that we go to Dubai, my mother baked pies and brought them to my home and many many more pleasant things)) In general, in the bustle of monotonous days, I did not notice the main thing .... allow myself to LOVE MYSELF in all my manifestations, both in illness and in fatigue AND PLEASURE yourself - fill yourself emotionally. And probably only these moments of love and joy make life truly alive.