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Spoiler title Expanding spoiler text The only thing we really need is a change in the upbringing and education system! It is absolutely necessary to put love and respect at the head of all human values. Don't rush to close the publication 😉 This is not as easy as it might seem. Would you say that this is already the highest value? - Of course not! Look at the world around you! Is it a consequence of people’s love and respect for each other? In an aggressive, authoritarian, harshly evaluative, competitive-achievement environment, a person who loves and respects his neighbor is more of a miracle and an exception than the norm and rule. The fact is that such a traditional environment greatly deforms every person, denies his existential, factual value, disrupts harmonious contact between people, making him intensely competitive, forces him to respect dead idols, high ideals, and not a living person in front of him, so a person anxious, devalued, obsessed with superiority, burdened with a sense of personal inferiority and busy with endless “compensation”. You can be sure that anyone who is very religious does not know spiritual love for a person. That is why his love is directed towards the abstract, and his faith is fragile, and therefore forcedly aggressive. Everyone who shouts about the Motherland, calling himself a patriot, does not understand that love for the Motherland is love for the people who surround him, and not for slogans and ideas. Everyone who passionately talks about spiritual development and promotes it is internally empty and devalued. Anyone who worships and extols authority figures suffers from an unconscious feeling of inferiority. Everyone who is ready to kill for a great idea is a small, ugly dwarf who seeks revenge for his own sense of insignificance and the childhood humiliations he experienced. The only thing that I, you, each of us can do to live better is to stop raving about lofty ideas and everyone day, every minute to learn to respect my neighbor, understanding that the other is not a stranger, he is the mirror into which I look. If he is gone, neither am I! This is prevented by mental wounds that distort the perception of reality and self-perception, cultivate and support aggression and unhealthy competition, and alienate people from each other..