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There are dreams in which you dream of predatory animals, such as a wolf, a bear, a leopard, a tiger, etc. Quite often, all these different animals are united by one character trait - aggressiveness, assertiveness, speed, power. At the same time, if we considered the animal itself, and not its symbolic expression in the human soul - a dream, then we would state the innate character traits, temperament and method of survival in the animal environment, where the individual characteristics of the species are the key to its preservation. But in symbolic expression (in our dream) a predator is a reaction, an act, our action, which has two sides, both offensive and defensive. For example: If a man wants to invite an unfamiliar girl he likes, say, to dinner (for dating purposes), then in such a “delicate situation,” who is he? Victim or Aggressor? - Both: In order to commit an act, he needs courage and a motivating reason (instinct - animal), i.e. natural aggression, and the accompanying uncertainty reveals it from the passive side, like the Victim. There is a very important subtlety in this example, expressed in the symbolic figures in your dreams: where there is a predator, there is a prey, and vice versa. Now follow carefully the further course of my thought: the reactive behavior of a predator in the human soul is always burdened with a “bad conscience” from an Act committed or planned to be committed. A person very often worries if life circumstances force him to act aggressively. A person (individual) is raised as if he is castrated: he condemns and is wary of all those forms of self-affirmation and self-identity, seeing in them unhealthy tendencies, his own abnormality. But, in fact, he turns out to be WITHOUT CLAWS. He is defenseless, and this makes him lonely, vulnerable, suspicious, reactively aggressive, touchy, etc. The social culture of behavior in society creates good-for-nothing, average “zeros.” So that the “elite” can govern. Therefore, the very concept of PREDATOR is a common noun and automatically causes rejection and hostility. The symbolic image of a predator in a dream can be a harbinger of a deep internal drama taking place in the dreamer’s soul. Where he would like to see himself and express himself in life, he does not dare (in a dream, a fleeing predator); in a matter where he urgently needs to show aggression, instead, he circumvents it (the matter) under any pretext. In a dream there is an animal that is very frightening; A lost chance due to indecisive actions (you may dream of a wounded or dying dog). Remember - a healthy instinct of self-preservation is at the same time a stimulator of the instinct of procreation. If we have nothing to protect, then there is no point in living. Our difference from animals is expressed in the fact that we have Innate Values, which are the Meaning of Life and its Incentive. And if you constantly retreat, then a person loses Morality (Conscience) and turns into a sick, crippled animal (degeneration).