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From the author: Coaching, social media marketing, and the new information reality in the mirror of business processes The world of networks The world has entered the post-information era. In any case, the most advanced part of it is already there. This is the world of information networks, creative clusters and virtual finance. Analysts write about it, talk about it online, and discuss it over tea. What are we talking about, and what does this have to do with our lives? How will this affect today and immediate future plans? What changes will business and the economy as a whole undergo? What new risks will you have to face, what opportunities will open up, and what will be the cost of the issue? And most importantly, what to do about it? Let's start with a short historical and economic excursion. The history of civilization today is divided into several eras. The world economy and society successively pass through the eras of pre-agrarian civilization, agricultural, industrial, information, and are now entering post-information. At the first stage, the struggle takes place over resources scattered across the earth's surface. Their owner, along with wealth, receives power and is endowed with intangible advantages classified as cultural values. At the next stages, the place of herds and hunting prey is taken by the land and its fertility, means of production and industrial potential, information, and finally, the ability to navigate information flows and give meaning to the world. Customer value and demand flow from level to level. What was scarce at one stage becomes an auxiliary in abundance at the next. The focus of power and methods of capital formation shift abruptly from one level to another. Those who fail to keep up with the changes lose everything. This is significantly different from what the older generation of managers learned in Marxist political economy classes. However, this description structure reflects reality much more adequately. But both its understanding and the practice resulting from it remain beyond the consciousness of broad managerial strata. The combination of a phase shift in levels occurring right now and a lack of understanding of rapidly changing realities in a single socio-economic and political dynamics carries large-scale risks with catastrophic consequences. At the same time, the same situation brings new opportunities for large-scale qualitative growth for those who are able to analyze the changing reality with open eyes. Next, we will move on to an analysis of some trends associated with changes in the information environment and the formation of intangible assets. Advertising in a Networked World In recent years, advertising performance in traditional media has declined by approximately 25%. According to analytical reviews, there is a steady trend towards its reduction to zero over the next ten years. This is due to a general decline in trust in traditional media among all segments of the population. Fewer and fewer people use traditional media as their main source of information. The proportion of those who have completely abandoned them, using social networks to meet their information needs, is increasing. At the same time, in social strata that are creators, consumers and owners of objects in a high price category, and have high effective demand, this trend is more pronounced. This clearly implies the inevitability of loss of effectiveness of traditional advertising policy and its tools. This means that organizations that remain committed to them will face a sharp decline in the value of intangible assets, falling profitability and a shrinking customer base. It is also clear that organizations that are the first to abandon the traditional configuration of the advertising package and move on to promoting themselves in new information spaces will gain a clear competitive advantage. New information spaces include social networks and the communication fields they form. There is reason to believe that they will completely replace traditional media as a source of information. Thiswill lead to new tools for forming the image of the organization and the structure of its intangible assets. It is worth paying special attention to the fact that this trend and the associated set of opportunities and risks are currently almost completely beyond the awareness of most decision makers. This is due to the fact that now the main part of this category, that is, the top management of large and medium-sized commercial organizations, are people of the 40-50-year-old generation, who, due to age and experience, are prone to conservatism, loyalty to proven solutions, and prefer to avoid sudden changes. This means that business owners in the very near future will have to worry about developing and implementing new tools for business promotion, without relying on familiar solutions and old proven personnel. Man in the world of networks Radical changes in the advertising market are part of larger global shifts. Their driving force is a sharp leap in technology and the ensuing changes in the sphere of material production and consumption. The transition from the information to the post-information era is characterized by the replacement of analogue technologies with digital ones. Digital provides fundamentally new possibilities for processing, transmitting and storing information. We see the results of this not only in the entertainment market, but also in the production sector. The development of digital technologies has led to a catastrophic collapse of segments of the economy associated with the production and operation of analogue equipment. Examples include the collapse of film photography and analog instrumentation. Digital technologies provide the user with access to volumes of information that infinitely exceed the processing capabilities of the human mind. Information is no longer a scarce resource whose possession provides wealth and power. It is ubiquitous, redundant and free. Excessive amounts of knowledge cannot be transformed into a new level of material culture using familiar tools. As a result, a significant part of them is not used rationally or is not in demand. The demand for the ability to navigate the flow of information is growing sharply. The user is not looking for knowledge or a product, but for intelligent search engines that he can trust. From now on, the ability to build a system of reference points acquires the highest economic value. That is, to create meaning and inspire trust. In the absence of full supply, demand organizes itself. Social networks are replacing the old information providers. They formulate new criteria for evaluating data and ways of selecting data suppliers based on personal trust and sympathy. Competencies that in past eras belonged to the sphere of spirituality and mysticism are today becoming tools for the formation of capital. A film actor, pop singer and television preacher receive an income many times greater than the salary of a Nobel laureate or a successful top manager. Processes in the information space lead to changes in the structure and culture of society. Requirements for the corporate environment, production processes, forms of consumption, and interpersonal relationships in general are changing. Coaching in the world of networks The consciousness of a person of the new era will differ from the consciousness of a person of the information era as radically as the thinking of a modern entrepreneur from the mind of an ancient feudal lord or serf. While maintaining basic invariants, constituting no more than one tenth of the total volume of knowledge, beliefs, behavioral skills and ideas about the world, the entire periphery changes completely. The way of communication with the world and one’s own personal identity changes. A civilization of people who think differently is emerging. Changes penetrate to the level of the individual and then the collective unconscious. As they take root, new cultural, economic, religious, political and communication norms emerge in society. At the same time, there continues to be a layer of people in society whose mental characteristics belong tothe previous era, or occupying an intermediate position. The situation is complicated by the fact that many of them are in key leadership positions in politics, economics and culture. This situation in systems theory can be characterized as a point of bifurcation, that is, an inherent instability of the system. Its passage is associated with multiple forks between different scenarios. Thus, it is important to view today and the coming decades not as a time of crisis, or a period of instability that must be endured by sitting in a corner. This is a time of opportunity and systemic risk. Those who pass it with dignity will secure key positions in the world of the future. This applies to both individuals and human communities. From small businesses to multinational corporations, states, organized religions, and humanity in general. Organizations whose leaders choose to set appropriate goals in a timely manner will dominate the world of tomorrow. The rest will quickly disappear from the scene, or will experience serious difficulties. The optimal tool for solving these problems would be the creation of a special project team. It makes sense to involve specialists from all services of the organization to work in it, as well as invite a team of external experts. And here the most important thing will be the ability to coordinate the positions, interests and mental maps of project participants. Actually, this is the front of the work and the subject of the coach’s responsibility. Thanks to special competencies, it becomes not just another addition to the personnel development system, but a formative element of organizational culture, responsible for overcoming the period of instability and acquiring a new quality. .………………………. APPLICATIONS COACHING FORMATS Coaching is ensuring results in business and personal spheres using the tools provided by psychology. Depending on the type of tasks, it is divided into operational, tactical and strategic. Operational coaching is coaching that is focused on solving a specific problem. Provides criteria for evaluating results, and usually has a fixed duration. Tactical coaching represents activities to support and support the project on an ongoing basis. Limited by the format and scope of the project. The project can be either local or represent the client’s business as a whole. Strategic coaching is interaction carried out on a regular or periodic basis, not limited to one specific task or project. The areas of interaction and the range of tasks may not be initially fixed and are determined during the work process. COACHING TOOLS Basic formats Individual format Individual sessionsIndividual consultationIndividual trainingImage formationCharisma formationLegendationProviding informationProviding supportProviding feedbackSupport in real situations Group format Group sessionsGroup trainingModeration of group processesMediation in conflictsOrganization of round tables and meetingsOrganization and moderation of thematic meetingsOrganizing and moderating discussionsConducting brainstormingTraining group trainers and moderatorsSupporting negotiationsProviding informationProviding feedback Additional formats Consulting and analytics Analysis of business processes Information analysis Analysis of text materials Analysis of advertising and information materials Analysis of job descriptions Analysis of corporate culture Analysis of the information environment Analysis of intangible assets Analysis of the organization's image Analysis of the training system Feedback analysis Competency analysis Communications analysis Personnel consulting Management consulting PR and GR consulting SMM - consulting Brand consulting Business process support monitoring and analysis of processesStudying processes with personal participation in them Participation in groupdiscussions Testing Interviewing Conducting interviews Studying corporate events Participation in the development of advertising and information materials Participation in the development of internal documents Participation in the development of job descriptions Participation in the development of corporate culture Participation in trainings as a co-trainer Participation in Internet support Participation in support in social networks Participation in support in the blogosphere Participation in the formation of a public image SMM TOOLKIT Creation and promotion of sites in social media 1) Creation and promotion of a group on social networks. 2) Creation and promotion of a public page on VKontakte. 3) Creation and promotion of a fan page on Facebook. 4) Creation and maintenance of a corporate blog. 5) Creation and promotion of a forum. 6) Creating a community in livejournal and liveinternet.7) Creating and maintaining a microblog on twitter.8.) Creating a branded channel on youtube.9) Creating an account on flickr and other photo hosting sites.10) Creating and promoting a club on Ya.ru.11) Creation and maintenance of a group on Subscribe.12) Creation and vision of a newsletter in e-mail newsletter services.13) Creation and promotion of accounts on audio hosting and podcast services.14) Creation of a corporate blog on Habrahabr.15) Creation and support of a section or topic of a company on forum.16) Creating and maintaining an account on blog hosting sites. Viral Marketing 17) Creation and seeding of a viral video.18) Creation of memes.18) Creation and promotion of a viral picture.19) Creation and promotion of a viral audio.20) Creation and promotion of a virus in text format.21) Creation and promotion of a viral application. Blogosphere 22) Organizing and conducting a competition in the blogosphere.23) Organizing a relay race for bloggers.24) Carrying out a promotion in the blogosphere.25) Placing paid posts.26) Giving interviews to bloggers.27) Purchasing guard posts from bloggers.28) Free distribution of something bloggers in exchange for a post about you or your service.29) Participation in competitions and relay races.30) Guest posts.31) Exchange and purchase of links in blogrolls.32) Commenting on popular blogs.33) Posting press releases on blogs.34) Purchasing a “Sponsor of the Month” seat. Forums 35) Hidden marketing on forums. 36) Buying signatures on forums. 37) Announcing new blog posts or company news on forums. 38) Creating a topic about your company on a forum. 39) Purchasing a “paid” topic. Marketing on social networks 40) Creation and promotion of an application.41) Advertising on VKontakte.42) Targeted advertising on Facebook.43) Video advertising on VKontakte.44) Creation and promotion of a brand profile.45) Promotion of a meeting.46) Promotion in thematic groups.47 ) Purchasing groups.48) Conducting competitions and promotions.49) Branding applications.50) Sponsoring applications.51) Advertising in applications.52) Distributing photo and video content.53) Displaying an entry in the top VKontakte news.54) Announcing news and latest posts in your profile.55) Sponsoring competitions.56) Sharing links to pages on facebook.57) Installing a widget for a facebook or vkontakte page on your website.58) Advertising on public pages.59) Inviting users to a group via messages.60) Conclusion groups in the top search on VKontakte.61) Creating VKontakte ads for selling goods.62) Adding goods from the store to the “Products” section of VKontakte.63) SMO website optimization.64) Conducting an advertising campaign on twitter.65) Working with opinion leaders on in social networks. Personal branding in social media 66) Creating and maintaining a personal blog.67) Creating and promoting a profile on social networks.68) Creating a profile and searching for connections in business social networks.69) Creating and maintaining a personal newsletter.70) Active communication on forums. 71) Giving interviews to portals and bloggers.72) Posting articles on portals and media.73) Creating and distributing podcasts and screencasts.74) Branding a personal blog and avatar.75) Increasing subscribers to a VKontakte profile.76) Holding a competition on a personal blog. Ratings and catalogs 77) Website promotion in the Yandex blog ranking.78) Conclusion.