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Most consultations with a child psychologist are related to difficulties that arise when communicating in the family. Parents do not hear their children, children do not listen to their parents, spouses cannot agree among themselves on a unified system of education, they do not know how to properly get out of a conflict situation, as well as the constant interference of the older generation with advice and criticism. And also complaints from parents: the child fights, doesn’t know how to make friends, is bored, has no hobbies, sits for hours at the computer. And some parents are surprised that there is such a thing as “communicative competence,” that is, the readiness and ability to interact with other people. And the level of this competence is different for everyone. The quality of our communication depends on this level. Probably, a rare person will deny the fact that communication significantly influences our lives. We simply cannot avoid communication in everyday life (unless we become a solitary hermit): family, friends, neighbors, classmates, colleagues. These people surround us constantly. Whether we like it or not, interaction with people is the essence of our existence. This is our need, and one of the most important (few people can calmly perceive loneliness). From the first minute of birth we are surrounded by people. But communication often causes discomfort. And there are many reasons for this. From personal characteristics to lack of productive interaction skills. But why does such an important area of ​​our lives remain out of attention? Why do we often let difficulties that arise during communication take their course? Many of us are ready to learn how to cook, sew, dance, sing, but are not ready to learn mutual understanding, the ability to negotiate, criticize, resolve conflicts, make friends (even this also does not come by itself). Perhaps we want to believe that the reason is not in ourselves and not in the absence of some skills and abilities, but in external circumstances, other people. That's how it all turned out. We are not understood or accepted. Many people think that they have excellent communication skills (do I have so many friends?) and do not think about the quality of this communication. But we have to think about the role of communication when our personal relationships begin to suffer from communicative incompetence. When close people stop listening and hearing each other, when the whole conversation comes down to shouting and blaming or demonstratively ignoring each other (playing the “silent game”). The ability to communicate is formed at an early age and is determined by the communication skills of an adult. Communication essentially determines the course of personality formation. A person’s self-confidence, motivation, and success will depend on how much interaction with other people brings joy and satisfaction, how effective and positive communication is. That is, the quality of communication affects the development of mental processes, abilities and personal qualities of the child. And here we realize how important the communicative competence of the child’s immediate environment, his family, is. Hence the first request: take the communication skills test and determine your behavior in communication. This test is designed mainly for working with teenagers, but, as research shows, communicative competence develops precisely towards the end of adolescence and is difficult to correct in the future. Michelson's Test of Communication Skills (adapted by Yu.Z. Gilbukh) will help determine the level of communicative competence and the quality of the developed basic communication skills. The authors propose using this achievement test to determine what type of response your communication behavior is: confident, dependent or aggressive. And what block of skills have you developed? In my opinion, this is very interesting!