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From the author: Complete information about the practical computer implementation of more than 500 test methods is published on my website Computer psychological diagnostics. The term “Computer Psychological Diagnostics” requires clarification. Psychological diagnostics are carried out not by a computer, but by a psychologist. The use of computer technology in this field of activity is nothing more than the creation of effective virtual extensions of the professional knowledge, experience and abilities of a certified psychologist. And it is the psychologist who bears all moral and legal responsibility for the correct application of test results. Our study found that the very fact of using computer versions of psychodiagnostic techniques produces minor differences from the standard “paper” original. The most significant influence on the accuracy of test results is exerted by various socio-psychological phenomena that arise during testing. Psychological testing is always “Subject - Object - Situation”. The personal characteristics of the psychologist conducting the testing, as well as his gender, age, physical attractiveness, communication skills, etc., make certain systematic and strictly individual “corrections” to the resulting indicators of the test scales. The personal characteristics of the client himself and his current psychological state have a similar influence. The next factor is the testing situation. In the “client” situation and in the “expertise” situation, the test indicators of some test scales for the same subject may be different, and in some cases even greatly distorted. And, nevertheless, the modern trend in the development of computer methods of psychological diagnostics follows the path of creating technologies that maximally ignore both the “subject” and the “object” and the “situation”. The main attention is focused on the use of complex testing algorithms and automated generation of so-called. "consistent conclusions". “Consistent conclusions” are, first of all, the art and professionalism of a psychologist, and not the result of the application of formal logic, which forms the basis of all digital technologies. Instead of the term “Computer psychological diagnostics,” the term “Psychological diagnostics and counseling using computer technologies” should be used. And the use of computer technology goes beyond the scope of ordinary psychodiagnostics and is far from being exhausted by it. So what CAN a modern computer do in relation to the professional activities of a psychologist? 1. Volume and storage of the knowledge base. The volumes of information that modern computer memory media can store significantly exceed the memory capabilities of one psychologist. Both operational and long-term. 2. A variety of types of stored information. Texts, graphic images, audio recordings, videos, testing programs, mathematical and statistical processing of research results, audio and visual support for all processes of psychological diagnosis and counseling. And this is “a little” more than just “paper” psychodiagnostics. 3. Accuracy of information storage. There is no doubt. Byte to byte. A control copy guarantees long-term storage and the ability to quickly reproduce. 4. Compactness of the information carrier. One example: USB Flash RAM. Size: less than a box of matches. Volume of information: personal scientific library in the specialty. Always with you. A computer in every institution and in almost every home. 5. Speed ​​of information processing and retrieval. Technical progress in the field of creating computer hardware, as well as in the field of software development, is proceeding at such a pace that the productivity of digital methods of information processing exceeds the capabilities of not only one psychologist, but an entire team of specialists. 6. Mobility. If USB Flash RAM with a personal knowledge base is always with you, then start working onin a new workplace and in another city, you can almost immediately after turning on the computer. 7. New technologies of psychological diagnostics. Example: technology for overcoming the so-called. “psychological protection.” Computer testing is an examination procedure, and not filling out a “paper” testing form. T. n. The “confidence scale” in the computer version is a warning, “training” and diagnostic procedure. If the critical value on this scale during testing exceeds the acceptable value, the computer program can return the subject to the first point of the questionnaire and warn about the need to be more sincere. The number of such repetitions has not only diagnostic significance, but also changes the entire course of psychological diagnostics. Another example: A computer program can automatically record the response time (down to milliseconds) for each item of the test questionnaire and calculate the average reaction time for each IT topic ( multifactor technique scale). This information has additional diagnostic value and cannot be obtained during routine testing. 8. New technologies of psychological counseling. Psychological diagnostics and psychological counseling are two interrelated aspects of one process. The use of computer technology has a psychological impact on the emotional states, opinions, beliefs and worldview of the client. The presentation of graphic images of test results in the form of various graphs and diagrams, as well as interpretation texts that have different emotional and evaluative meanings, depending on the counseling task, has a special meaning that goes beyond just psychodiagnostics. An example of practical application. Graphic form of test results using a computer version of the “Diagnostics of Alcohol Disease” method allows, to one degree or another, to overcome the so-called. “alcohol anosognosia” and clearly demonstrate to the client his true level of alcohol problems in comparison with a “regular” client of a drug treatment hospital. From a diagnostic point of view, in relation to a client diagnosed with alcohol dependence, the use of this technique does not make any sense. From the point of view of psychological impact it has. And it works. Interpretation texts intended for the client are not a statement of the fact of the presence of certain emotional states, character traits, type of temperament, relationships with others or pathopsychological deviations. This is also a method of psychological influence. And each such text must be individual, well thought out and based on all available additional information about the client. 9. New non-verbal methods of influence. A well-known fact. The client's defensive position, crossing his legs and crossing his arms over his chest, reduces the perception of information by 38% and causes a more critical attitude towards the consultant. A simple offer from a psychologist to undergo psychological testing on a computer eliminates this problem. To answer the questions of the verbal test method, you need to change your posture and open your arms. And this is also not psychodiagnostics. This is a method of psychological counseling. The test result doesn't always matter. Establishing contact with the client - yes. 10. Remote communication with clients and colleagues. Modern Internet technologies allow you to contact other people anywhere on the planet in real time without leaving your home. Audio and video versions of such communication are already an everyday reality. And even “mini” digital technologies - a modern cell phone. 11. Expanded understanding of mental phenomena. Virtual personalities that exist in virtual reality in the form of a specific implementation of certain digital technologies and which “come to life” only when digital devices are turned on expand the classical understanding of mental processes within one specific.