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There are now many publications appearing on the Internet on the topic of online counseling and choosing the format of such work. Usually they discuss correspondence on the Internet, voice or audio consultation, video consultation. I see the moment of psychological consultation as a meeting of two worlds, two stars, two significant and great ones, I’m not afraid of this word from people. This is a place where there is no room for arrogance on one side or the other. There remains a technical and psychological aspect, how to do this? I like all formats of consulting. I think that every client likes one or another version of work based on his inner world. But a psychologist needs to help the client, and at the first stage of assistance, at a minimum, it is better to do this in a mode that is convenient primarily for the client. Personally, I leave the choice of the counseling format to the client. I also leave the client the opportunity to choose the method of communication. Usually this is WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram, Skype. The service on b17 is convenient for text communication. At the same time, I definitely describe that there are pros and cons in each of the consultation formats. What are these pros and cons? For example, if we talk very briefly, first of all, about the technical side of the issue, then the text format of communication is very convenient with its high degree of confidentiality and the ability to hide behind the text. Voice communication is very easy to provide and it is very undemanding to the quality of the Internet. In this regard, less voice communication depends on the quality of the Internet, only a text message. Voice and audio messages can be provided without the Internet at all. Almost everyone now has a mobile phone, and the quality of mobile communications coverage allows you to communicate from the most remote places in the world. Video communication allows you to see the interlocutor, see his non-verbal reactions. Again, it is important to note that the pros and cons of this, and any other format, may or may not appear in a real consultation. Skype has been used for voice and video communications for a very long time. But I notice that lately WhatsApp has provided more convenience and better quality of communication. There is also an important nuance that there are countries and regions where WhatsApp, Viber or Telegram are simply not available. In this case, I am present in all these managers. In addition, quite normal communication is provided by the social network VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. Everything described makes it clear that now, technically, everyone has the opportunity to contact almost every client and almost every psychologist. There are still some nuances of remote consultation formats, which I plan to discuss in the near future. Well, the psychological nuances of the formats that I began to discuss can also be analyzed in more detail. Those who contacted the psychologist in the described or undescribed formats can, if they want to leave their feedback, their opinion about each of the formats. It is also interesting to listen to fellow psychologists on this issue. I repeat, I am sure that each format has pros and cons, and the choice of communication method, the technical choice of a platform for this communication is always a certain balance of pros and cons. Estimates of what exactly I want, what exactly I can get in this or that case. Continuation of the topic in the article dated May 5, 2020, “Online consultation. Pros and cons of working in text format, voice communication and video communication.” You can read that article at the link: on the b17 website - https://www.b17.ru/article/ivanmatrenin_onlain-konsultaciya-plusy-i/?prt=89656054699ivan. Let me add that all similarities with personal stories and forum topics are random and do not relate to you personally. This is an article, and in it I describe a typical situation. If you are interested in the publication and the topics raised in it, especially if you liked it, like it, write your questions, comments, and share with friends! Your activity will help me understand what you are interested in and give you answers to your questions. Sincerely, Ivan Matryonin Psychologist. Family psychologist.!