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Change. Changes. Changes. My life flowed smoothly in its own rhythm and there were no signs of trouble. Suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, the news came - a total reduction in work was coming. Fear, uncertainty, anxiety and panic gripped me overnight. Where did the smooth, good mood go? Where did the plans for the future disappear? How to live on? How to pay the mortgage and car loan? I’m in shock and don’t know what to do. Telling you the story of one clients, I myself often find myself in conditions of change, often unexpected and not always pleasant. Lately, many people have been coming with similar requests. Changes can affect not only work, but also health, personal life, relationships with loved ones, and anything else. How do we perceive change? I looked up the meaning of the word “change” in dictionaries and I liked the following interpretation: CHANGE - Change, modification, shift, alternation, revolution, breaking, fracture, degeneration, transformation, metamorphosis; alteration, transformation, modification, reorganization, reform, innovation. Inner rebirth. Change of scenery. (Dictionary of synonyms.) The meaning of the word change really impresses me! And you? Why are we so afraid and worried about the upcoming changes? Because the uncertainty, the incomprehensibility, the unknown are frightening. We don’t understand what will happen to us in this particular situation. How the changes will affect our personal life and destiny. Changes, indeed , may be different. Some changes can fall on a person from behind and at the same time feel like a heavy load that prevents you from moving. Like a burden, a weighty burden that a person is forced to carry. Whether life has piled on you or a person has piled it on himself, it doesn’t matter. The result is heavy, unbearable and very difficult. There is no time for joy, lightness, and especially no happiness here. There is no energy, no power of resources. There is nothing to live and do things with. These are forced changes that life circumstances force us to. Other changes can inspire, inspire and seem like a wonderful future ahead. Then we live our dreams, thoughts about realized goals, results and achievements. Such changes attract us, beckon us. We are rushing towards them with full sails. Such changes are easy, pleasant and joyful to accept. These are changes that make dreams come true. They inspire us, encourage us, and increase our self-worth. And they allow us to dream even more. No matter what the changes are, they always cause us stress. Both positive and negative. What changes in life most often occur to you? Forced change or dream change? Observe what sensations you experience in your body? Describe your conditions in the comments. I will tell you in the following posts how to help yourself survive changes, as well as what character traits will help you survive changes. Thank you for your hearts and don’t forget to subscribe to get a lot of benefits for self-regulation of your mental state.