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Creative hopelessness? What is this? And why is this an important step towards change? Let's understand this concept and then I will explain why it needs to be formed at the beginning of therapy. Creative hopelessness (CB) can be called a process that occurs in psychotherapeutic sessions, during which a person begins to come to the idea of that his actions aimed at getting rid of, fighting or avoiding thoughts, feelings, states do not work and make life more and more unbearable in the long term. I intentionally write here that this happens precisely during sessions, since the process of formation of CB is organized by a psychologist using various techniques - questions, metaphors, behavioral experiments, etc. I will give an example of questions that a psychologist can use in order to formulate in a client the idea that the methods that he has been using for years to improve his life do not actually work, and it is important to try others Options and Behavioral Strategies What were you struggling with? How did you try to cope with the situation? List the actions, strategies you used? How did it work in the short term? How did it work in the long term? That is, in order to move towards the changes you want, you first need to clarify everything that you have already tried in the past and find out what worked and what didn’t. And finding out what worked for a person and what didn’t helps to get out of the vicious circle of problem - avoidance - temporary relief - a problem that clients go through endlessly and suffer. The focus here is not on dysfunctional experiences and thoughts, but on dysfunctional behavior. To summarize the above: the purpose of articulating cognitive hopelessness is to show the client that the strategy of emotional avoidance and hypercontrol of experiences is unworkable, and to help him/her recognize that holding on to unworkable strategies is - is ineffective and will not help you live the very desired life The KB process is important to take into account and discuss in detail at meetings, without working out this step there will be no movement forward. Sign up for a consultationPhone, WhatsApp, Telegram +373 609 81 181Skype: cd69a2e02ac83ef7I will be glad to help you!