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Since childhood, we have learned the most useful skill - brushing our teeth. And there is no doubt about the fact - brushing your teeth is useful! And if you don’t do this, pathogenic microbes will multiply and crowd out useful teeth will fall out from caries, and gums will deteriorate from periodontal disease... That's why we do this magical procedure twice a day, periodically visit the dentist, eat vitamins with calcium and enjoy our white-toothed smile! :) What happens in the oral cavity if we eat everything, don’t brush our teeth and spit on calcium is clear. And what happens in the Soul, which throughout our lives conscientiously and reliably passes through all our positive and negative feelings and emotions ... What happens to her when resentment, anger, shame, despair, hatred multiply more actively than joy, interest, hope? But the same thing happens as with teeth - stones form! This is where the expression “a stone in the soul” comes from. Imagine a beautiful green lawn of the soul, on which various stones gradually accumulate, year after year. And the grass is becoming less and less... And we say “the soul is not in the right place.” But the soul is in place, only it is not visible. It is covered with blocks of various deposits from amazing minerals - obidita, zlostit, hatenit, etc... What do we do when we want to get rid of tartar? We go to a specialist who, using special technologies and tools, carries out cleaning. And it becomes easier for the teeth to perform their tasks, and they will serve us longer! What do we do when a burden appears on our souls that prevents us from moving through life freely and strongly? We do what we learned from life’s teachers. Someone learned to pray and asks give humility in grief. Someone has mastered alcoholic relaxation and drowns their resentment in high degrees of drink. Some have adopted the experience of their parents and, having experienced stress, go on trips. Someone drives away anger through physical activity... And these respected methods of self-help remain relevant today. They were the first inventions of mankind in the niche of psychological relief. :)But progress is moving forward. And since the end of the 19th century, humanity has been tirelessly coming up with more and more effective means for cleaning and beneficial use of mental space!!! Specialists have appeared who devote their time and creative energy to inventing and introducing into everyday use ways to cleanse mental space. Psychoanalysts, Gestalt therapists, behaviorists, existentialists, and many, many. etc... And they all strive for the goal of giving people the opportunity to get rid of the burden of mental pain and discomfort in order to enjoy every day of life. When we cleanse our Body, it expresses its gratitude for caring, giving us freedom of movement, the joy of sex, physical attractiveness, feeling of health. When we take care of the purity of the Soul, it responds to us in the same way - it takes care of us. She gives us the opportunity to live our only life so brightly and strongly, “so that THERE, UPBOARD, they will become stupid and say: “COME ON, REPEAT”!!! Search and find your remedy for removing stones from the soul. Yes, this procedure can be painful and repeated... But the effect of lightness, purity and joy of being that appears after it is worth the energy of time and money devoted to it!!! With respect to you and your spiritual space ,Irina Zhuravleva