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Marina believes that criticism is never good. And self-criticism helps her fight shortcomings, develop, and become better. She also often gets angry at her young children when they do something wrong. And then he scolds himself. Thinks I'm a bad mother. He tries to control his anger, but fails. Wants to stop getting angry and yelling at children. It became clear to me that Marina gets angry with children when they do not obey control and behave incorrectly. Because Marina does not accept and criticizes her inner Child with its incorrectness. And Marina herself notices that she scolds herself with the words of her mother and grandmother. She says that when she’s angry, she’s very similar to her mother. I showed her that she was passing this model of Criticism on to her children. He sets an example and involuntarily inspires them. And over the years, Marina will become an eternally dissatisfied grandmother. Self-criticism will turn into auto-aggression (intense anger at oneself) and can lead to autoimmune diseases. Then Marina agreed to transform her Critic. First, we looked at 2 sides of Marina's personality: she is like a Strict, Irritated Critic and on the other hand, she is worthless, inept, a bad mother and a bad psychologist. We called them Strict Teacher (Critical Parent) and Worthless Marina (worthless Child). Usually, the figure of the inner Critic is born in childhood through the example of authoritative adults: parents, grandparents, educators, teachers, older brothers, sisters. I have already given a case of how relationships in childhood with parents resonate in adulthood. How resentment against a father can paralyze a son. Marina in Kritika has an eternally dissatisfied mother and a strict, restrained, masculine grandmother. When the roots of criticism became clear, we continued our work in 3 stages: 1. We freed “Worthless” from the critical, disapproving “stones” thrown towards little Marina. They gave her strength through the love, warmth and support from the adult Marina. 2. Got rid of mother's and grandmother's introjects in the inner Parent. Introjects are other people's patterns of thinking, emotions, and behavior. 3. Helped the inner Parent to restructure and praise, provide attention, support, approval of Marina’s unique best sides. And set up for constructive assistance using the Praise method - Show what and how can be corrected, improved - Support (PPP). Implemented the installation: If it cannot be corrected , learn from the experience and forgive. The next day, Marina reported that she had miraculously discovered enormous strength and a lot of energy. And she managed twice as much as usual in a day. If her daughters don’t obey, Marina looks at it with a smile. She may get angry, but less to the point if they don’t have time to get ready somewhere. I rejoiced with her because she has two children and she is still studying to become a psychologist and provides counseling. Conclusions. Self-criticism harms family relationships, lowers self-esteem, and manifests itself in irritation towards loved ones. It prevents you from developing in your profession. May lead to psychosomatic disorders. It is better to replace Self-criticism with Self-support. Self-support is stronger than approval from the outside. You can criticize, but in a constructive and friendly manner. Noticing the good in yourself and others and praising them is a must. The principle works: what you pay attention to is what develops. If you criticize yourself, scold yourself with words: I am like this (like this) ..... Not at all (not at all) ... Stop these thoughts and think about who you are when you think about yourself like that. And try the PPP formula. And critically examine not yourself, but what went wrong, what was done wrong. No generalizations or accusations. The most reliable and effective way is to re-educate your inner Critic in 3 stages. And your health will improve. Working in your profession will become easier and freer. You can make an appointment with me for a consultation by calling 8-909-953 5614 (WhatsApp) Write, call and I will definitely answer.