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Each of us has a deep intention to find ourselves. This is a dream not only about spiritual realization. This is also a dream about your favorite business or “Work of Life”. In this article I want to share a way to find your Destination. This method is simple: you need to start giving your life. You ask: “How is this?” Remember, there is an expression from quantum physics: “The observer creates reality”? The fact is that most people believe that they have one life - this creates the reality of saving life; as a result, a person thinks only about survival, but this is nothing more than the life of the Ego. The ego is only concerned with providing itself with food, comfort, avoiding physical pain and thinking about supplies for tomorrow. Thus, a person becomes only an appendage of his survival instinct: brilliant engineers become taxi drivers, musicians work with jackhammers, singers sell clothes, and brilliant doctors lay cables. This is how a person loses himself! Then what does it mean to “give life”? When you give your life, you inevitably create the reality that you have it (life) and that it is a flow. As a result, you get a reality in which you are infinite. The fear of not surviving disappears. At this moment, your real personality awakens, the Ego retreats to secondary roles, and life rushes through you into physical reality as a specific activity - this is called Purpose. It is enough to live this experience once to decide on what you love for the rest of your life. This method allowed me to discover myself, decide on the type of activity and even create an entire branch in psychology, which I call the “Holistic approach”, or the psychology of implementation. A whole training and method of awakening life in every person has been developed. Here are some features that are inherent in Purpose: 1. Uniqueness for everyone.2. Compliance with the physical, intellectual and spiritual capabilities of a person that he has now.3. Improved health, because life begins to awaken in a person.4. A feeling of “grasp for life” appears; this is expressed in the manifestation of the prospects of fate. Plans begin to be made.5. Destination can be determined from birth, since it is determined by the flow of life and its influence on the surrounding space.6. You can apply it immediately, because your life has always wanted to do this.7. There is no need to make any effort, because... the source giving out water does not experience any difficulty in giving it back. So life, if a person begins to give it away, flows on its own without any stress. 8. Realization of destiny improves fate as a whole, like water that penetrates everywhere and cannot but heal. 9. Purpose is not a profession; This is, first of all, a state that you want to express through specific deeds.10. Purpose is always aimed at full realization: intellectually, spiritually and physically. If you are interested in this article, visit the website. http://delozhizni.com/ Remember, Purpose is your life in action!