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“When man tore the world apart, he ceased to understand the operation of not only divine, but also human laws.” Lao Tzu “The serious problems we face cannot be solved by the same level of thinking at which they arose.” Albert Einstein Many are convinced that business is money, but people make money, so business is people... Feet feed only the wolf and the Chinese coolie, Only active minds are friends with power and money. The purpose of this article is to help in understanding how to do business and how to connect it with the general harmony of the world, how to get around the contradictions and mistakes that are encountered along the way all the time. Every business person faces many questions: whether he acts correctly in a given situation, what this can lead to, what kind of relationships he should have with other people, what is the criterion for the correctness of the chosen path, and whether it contradicts the harmony of the world. Business , like any other process or organism, is subject to general laws. Our time manifests itself as a stage of integration of previously opposing traditions, scientific directions, ideas, a stage of ascent to the metastructures that once gave rise to them. Natural sciences, which have reached fantastic sophistication, discover laws encrypted in ancient cosmological formulas. The most ancient books become the most modern. However, ancient spiritual traditions are crumbling as the pace and style of life changes. Traditions are being replaced by developed intelligence and its products - technology and science. In earlier times, the average person did not have such intelligence. But he also did not have the degree of personal responsibility that is attached to a developed intellect... In earlier times, responsibility for all life choices was assigned to a higher power (“God gave, God took away ...”) or to tradition dictating the rules and ethical standards on behalf of this power. The intellect itself is forced to bear full responsibility for its choices. How does the intellect cope with such responsibility? He begins to carefully think through and plan his actions. He makes decisions with his head. These decisions are reasonable and scientific, but for some reason they are being implemented less and less often. The intellect finds scientific names for this mysterious phenomenon. “Life makes its own adjustments,” a person says in that favorable case when he does not blame his partners for the unexpected, “force majeure circumstances arise.” Thus, the intellect drives itself into a trap: now it has to take into account these circumstances, and much more, (say, in a contract or plan) the possibility of their occurrence... and so on ad infinitum. This happens because during its existence humanity has mastered at least THREE DIMENSIONS, each of which is lived at its own speed - and the speed, character for the FOURTH of them, is higher than the speed of the intellect. The first dimension corresponds to very low speeds, in the style of past leisurely centuries. They are associated with the emotional acceptance of the world and the experience of these emotions and the experience of physical states. Levels of being mission motives, values ​​THIRD LEVEL events intelligence SECOND LEVEL emotions sensations FIRST LEVEL physical plane The next dimension is the intellectual level, the level of linear (logical) thinking. Here the speed is much higher, thoughts run fast. It appeared in the middle of the 20th century, during the Scientific and Technical Revolution and the rapid development of technology. The THIRD DIMENSION in our time is the level of CAUSE-AND-EFFECT flows. It’s one thing to indulge in thought, analyzing circumstances and choosing possible options, and quite another thing to find yourself in a frantic flow of events, where there is no time for reflection. It's like a driver contemplating on a busy highway where a decision must be made..