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How to choose your life's work? “Once you understand your mission, you will have the basis for developing your proactivity.” Stephen Covey. Of course, defining your life credo is a very serious and responsible work on yourself, careful introspection, it requires thinking and immersion in yourself. Don't be alarmed, I will help you figure it out. First, try to figure out what roles you play in life and what is important to you in each of those roles. For example, I am a mother, daughter, wife, business coach, manager, friend, etc. As a mother, I help my daughter develop, teach her the right values ​​in life, set the right goals for herself, achieve them and enjoy life. As a daughter, I help my parents, support them morally and financially, constantly communicate with them - I pay attention to them, although I live several thousand kilometers from them, I visit myself or send my daughter to visit them at least once a year so that they feel to feel loved and needed, because in old age this is very important. As a wife, I strive to create harmony in my relationship with my husband, love and mutual respect, create comfort and warmth in my family, so that all my family members would be happy to return home after a hard day, knowing that they will always be listened to and understood. As a business coach, I train people, increase their confidence in themselves and their business, help them choose the right path and give them the tools to achieve their goals. As a leader, I implement new and innovative ways to develop the company that provide perspective and have a positive impact on employees and their lives, etc. Now find commonalities in the goals and values ​​that are important to each of your roles. And then you will understand and formulate your main life credo. For example, this could be the idea of ​​positively influencing the destinies of other people and helping them develop, reveal their talents and potential. Second, ask yourself a few questions: What is most important to me? Why do I do what I do? What can I and want to achieve? What should I change in my actions so that they are based on the true values ​​of universal human principles, and not on the false guidelines of money, service to another person, or my own ego? You may not immediately find answers to all these questions, and even at first you will not agree with these beliefs, but in the end you will experience amazing discoveries about the truth of these beliefs. After all, even if you do not agree with the law of universal gravitation, the ball you throw up will still fall to the ground, regardless of whether you agree with it or not. The main thing is that your life credo is truly yours, not borrowed from someone, even if they are an authority for you. And when you finally find what is truly valuable to you. Then your credo will become for you something like your personal constitution - the basic law that determines your life. Our success begins with freedom of choice. And the first thing we must realize: everything that happens to us in life is the result of the choice that we ourselves make. According to Stephen Covey's theory, there are two types of people: reactive and proactive. To be reactive means to obey the first automatic reaction to circumstances. Such people depend on the external environment, on society, on the opinions of other people; in fact, they put themselves at the mercy of circumstances and other people. A proactive person is one who does not give power over himself to the first automatic reaction to an external circumstance, this is a person whose reactions do not depend on other people and circumstances, he consciously decides how to act. For example, if someone criticizes you or scolds, then the reaction of a reactive person will be resentment, anger or excuses. Whereas a proactive person, aware of the freedom to choose his own reaction, will decide either to change his actions in order to achieve greater efficiency in this matter, and will treat him with gratitude as a teacher, or will no longer deal with a person if he really treats him undeservedly badly .There are 4forces that will help you move from reactivity to proactivity and freedom of your own choice: - self-awareness - imagination - conscience - independent will. Self-awareness is your ability to realize that you have your own values, your own idea of ​​​​what is good for you, and what is bad. Imagination is the ability in your mind to imagine other more productive options for the development of events, and not those dictated by the first automatic reaction. Conscience is a deep inner feeling of what is right and what is wrong; guided by this feeling, you will never make a mistake and will always make the right choice. Independent will is the ability to act, following only your inner values, regardless of external influences. To move from reactivity to proactivity, analyze your thoughts and speech. If your thoughts often contain phrases such as: - nothing depends on me - this is our life - I had to do it - if there were other people next to me - this annoys me - if only I had... and so on , then you need to immediately start thinking about other more productive thoughts that are characteristic of a proactive person. For example, the thought “Nothing depends on me” needs to be transformed into “I need to think and look for other opportunities.” “He irritates me terribly,” try replacing it with “I control my emotions myself and decide how to react.” The most interesting thing is that by changing your thoughts, your behavior will begin to change. You will become proactive. Now that you have precisely defined your life credo, based on your life values ​​and corresponding to universal human values, you can move on to the stage of choosing your life’s work. Based on your own experience, on the awareness of your life priorities, analyze in which areas your abilities are most manifested, in which you will most of all be able to benefit humanity (or a particular category of people). There is one simple, undeniable truth in business: the amount of money in your pocket is determined by the value you provide to others and the benefit you bring to people. It is quite possible that, thanks to your finances, you will be able to support those who are in great need of it now. But in life everything is completely different, Mother Teresa was not a very rich woman, but she helped a huge number of people understand who they are in this world, and most importantly, believe in themselves and succeed as a person. Goals are divided into two categories: material and spiritual. Material goals are everything that can be felt, one might say touch with your hands. But there is a wonderful saying: “Just as you came into life without anything, so you will leave without anything.” It has already been proven by psychologists that these goals lead to some disappointment, because... a person lives until a new purchase: “When I buy myself a new car, I will live in a new way!” And when a person receives this, after some point he understands: “I bought a car, it’s great! So, what is next???". And those “what’s next?” a huge number arises. And at some point, a person begins to experience devastation from the constant race for what was once important to him. Spiritual goals are what you personally can bring to the world and to people. What legacy can you, as an individual, leave behind? What will people say about you in their memories? We each initially have a huge amount of talents, was I able to realize them in life? And what did I bring into the world with my appearance? These are the questions that should concern us... When I understand that by teaching people I am making my contribution to their development and helping them to believe in themselves, I understand that it was not in vain that I came into this world. And this gives me powerful support in life. The most important thing for every person is to understand his purpose. There is an opinion that purpose is connected with our talents, what you are good at, and what brings you pleasure and, of course, this is necessary for others, and if you can also earn money with the help of your talent. We can say about you that you!!!