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There is a lot of information on the Internet that describes products, their composition and properties for the brain. Each product contains useful substances not only for the brain, but also for the whole body, because we get everything we need from food. We will not touch on the topic of chips, crackers, soda, fast food and other snacks. There are no studies that directly prove that eating any foods has a very strong effect on memory (and makes a person a genius or prodigy). If a poor student eats chocolate, or something very healthy, he will not think better and will not make discoveries, even if he regularly takes these foods. In this article, I will look at the effect of sweet foods on mental activity. Coffee, chocolate, sweet foods - do they help or not brain function during increased mental stress? If you lack energy, sweet foods, coffee, chocolate for a short period of time will increase the ability to memorize, sugar content increases in the blood, which helps to remember better. But! There is no need to eat sweet foods when working for long periods of time, because... after eating sweets, after 10-20 minutes the opposite effect occurs - a sharp drop in sugar. Bottom line: you can eat sweets, chocolate, drink coffee, if you are tired, you are hungry and at this moment there is no way to eat, your sugar is low, and you are going to exercise 10 -20 minutes, no more. If you need to study for a long time, several hours, you do not need to resort to this method. Coffee sharply increases blood pressure in the first minutes, blood sugar rises, then a drop occurs, and it will become more difficult for you to exercise. When you eat vegetables, protein, without carbohydrate foods, mental activity occurs better. Carbohydrates in large quantities inhibit concentration and reduce attention. Meat is individual. Vitamins - yes, if they are lacking. Dietary supplement - if there are not enough micro, macroelements, acids. The brain needs nutrients in a balanced amount, which should come from food; if there is a shortage, take vitamins. It is normal to take regular vitamins without a large dosage, only after consulting a doctor. Please like if the information was useful and interesting. I wish you success in your intellectual activity. Dyachenko Natalya Yuryevna, psychologist-psychotherapist Register on the website https://www.b17.ru/register.php?prt=878096