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It is generally accepted that an only child is a child spoiled and surrounded on all sides by love and attention. This, of course, is not always the case, but in any case, whatever the early childhood of an only child, sooner or later he or she will most likely have to face a large burden of responsibility arising from the expectations of parents and the need to care for them in the future, which there is simply no one to truly share with. In an ideal case, such a person separates from his parents, finds his own path in life, succeeds in the professional and personal spheres, and can calmly and happily take care of his elderly parents. Unfortunately, this is a very rare option. Firstly, it is very difficult to “let go” of an only child. Parents may grasp at him or her like a straw in search of support and confidence in a secure future. An only child may seem to parents the only chance to fulfill their expectations. But it is also difficult for a child to separate. After all, parents are the closest people on Earth. What if something happens to them? It's like the collapse of the world. It can be especially difficult for a late child, because he or she understands that the death of the parents is imminent. Meanwhile, the child himself must go through the natural stages of development, all the first failures and successes. The silent expectation of a catastrophe does not allow one to fully immerse oneself in one’s own life and live through the necessary stages. In addition, it is as if the only child has no choice. After all, besides him or her, parents have no one closer. A feeling of obligation arises, even without any moral teachings, and even more so with them. And in conjunction with “I must” there is always guilt. Guilt for many things for which a person is not obliged to feel it: for completely natural needs and desires. Parents' expectations are a separate big topic. An only child does not have brothers or sisters to whom some of these expectations could be “shifted.” As a result, a person may feel depressed and lonely. All life decisions will have to be made either in accordance with the wishes of the parents (which rarely coincide with the wishes of the child), or go against them, which can be very, very painful. In the end, an only child always has to make decisions alone. Decisions not only about your own life, but also about the lives of your elderly parents when the time comes. Yes, you can share some things with a partner or friends, but when it comes to parents, the decision is always up to the children. No doubt, any children face similar problems, but it is the absence of siblings that complicates all these difficulties for many only children. Well what to do if you are an only child? Establishing contact and communication with parents should definitely be the first stage. At the same time, this stage is the most difficult and lengthy for many. We can say that it will never end. I separate contact and communication, since contact is more about understanding, about emotions. You can communicate quite normally, but not be in contact. It is important to establish both with parents. Accept that your parents are unlikely to ever change much, so you will most likely have to adapt. However, after talking with your parents as an adult, you can see them from the other side - as ordinary people with their own strengths and weaknesses. You will be able to understand them better, and therefore forgive them some things, for example, the same inadequate expectations or demands.🔹 Separation and setting personal boundaries. Separation is important both psychologically and physically, whenever possible. In any case, it is important for you to learn to openly express your opinion in front of your parents, as well as establish some rules for interaction with you. Boundaries are not about specific isolation from parents, it is about awareness of your own needs and values ​​and a healthy attitude towards them, it means letting your parents understand that you are also an adult who has your own life,, 2020