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I would like to share with you in this article my thoughts about the role of complexes in psychological problems. In my opinion, the cause of any psychological problem is one or more complexes. If you find and work through these complexes, then the corresponding problem will be resolved. So what is a complex? A complex is a stable connection between a certain situation (trigger) and a sequence of emotions. A complex is formed in the subconscious as a result of emotional trauma that occurred before the age of 18. The injury can be received at once, or it can consist of a number of traumatic similar episodes. The complex can be either in an active or in a passive (dormant) state. The passive complex practically does not manifest itself at all; it is as if it does not exist at all. But when a situation occurs that resembles a traumatic situation from childhood, the complex becomes more active. This situation is called a trigger situation. A trigger (“trigger”) is an event (detail of an event) that reminds the owner of the complex of the traumatic incident that created the complex. How exactly this or that situation is similar to a traumatic one can only be felt by the person himself – the bearer of the complex. This is dictated by his personal perception. Often a person does not track or notice the moment after which he begins to behave in accordance with the algorithm of the complex. The trigger can be very poorly realized. The complex is activated and unfolds its action in time according to a certain sequence, according to an algorithm. This algorithm has a beginning and an end, a certain internal logic of development, and plays out over a certain period of time. Ivan came home after work in a bad mood. In the morning everything was fine, the boss called him and praised him for the work done. By evening the mood deteriorated. Ivan began to remember when this happened? After rummaging through his memory, he remembered that it happened in the smoking room. He accidentally heard a snippet of conversation between employees when he entered the room. Several employees of the department gathered together after work to celebrate Ilya’s birthday. They didn't invite Ivan. Ivan didn’t even really want this, but he still felt hurt, his heart felt sad and lonely... This situation reminded him of an episode from his childhood. When he was still a boy, they had company in the yard. There were three of them: he, Kolka and Valek. And the same feeling of resentment and loneliness attacked him when his mother did not let him outside. She forced him to do his homework and sit with his younger sister, who was often sick. Meanwhile, Kolka and Valek were having fun in the yard. In this example, the trigger was an overheard conversation. Different complexes can be played out over different periods of time: from a few seconds to several years. Some complexes can unfold throughout life, forming a life scenario. How often can a complex be activated? It varies: some complexes can wake up very rarely, and some several times a day. The complex works like a computer program. Only the complex is controlled not by a computer, but by a person. The influence of the complex on its wearer is similar to the influence of a puppeteer, and the person turns into its obedient puppet while the complex is operating. Only this little puppeteer is not outside, but in the psyche of the person himself. When the complex is active, a person cannot behave flexibly and creatively. This is why the active complex gives rise to psychological problems. The complex deprives a person of the opportunity to choose, it forces him to act in accordance with his program, which gives rise to psychological difficulties. If you notice that in similar problem situations you behave the same way, and this does not allow you to solve the problem, this means that the cause of this The problem is a complex located in the depths of your psyche. I will tell you in more detail about how exactly the complex affects its owner in the next article. Telephone for consultation: 8-987-839-00-16.