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Fear can have a negative impact on various aspects of our lives. But we can overcome fear by building defense mechanisms based on love, care and compassion. Getting rid of fear requires awareness and change in our internal attitudes and beliefs. Instead of acting out of fear of losing something or someone, we can focus on the positive aspects and values ​​that drive us. Love, compassion, caring, cooperation and interaction with others from these positions can lead to more harmonious and prosperous results. Developing spiritual practice and mindfulness can help us experience fear and overcome its influence. Practices such as meditation, self-reflection, and self-awareness work can help us gain inner confidence and the ability to love and care for ourselves and others without fear or limitations. There are several different meditation practices that can help overcome fear and develop inner confidence. Here are some of them: 1️⃣ Mindfulness Meditation (mindfulness): This practice involves being consciously present and observing your thoughts, emotions and physical sensations without judging or attaching to them. It helps develop observation and acceptance of what is happening inside us, including our fears. Mindfulness practice allows us to learn to observe fear without allowing it to control our response. 2️⃣ Metta Meditation (Loving-Kindness Meditation): In this practice, we develop a sense of compassion and love for ourselves and others. Metta meditation involves repeating certain affirmations or mantras, such as “I wish myself to be free from fear and happy” or “May all beings be safe and protected.” This practice helps overcome fear and develops inner confidence, enhancing feelings of love and compassion. 3️⃣ Visualization: Visualization is the creation in the mind of images, scenes or situations that make us feel safe, confident and strong. For example, you can visualize yourself showing courage and overcoming your fears. Visualization helps train the mind to focus on specific positive images and builds an inner sense of confidence. 4️⃣ Deep Relaxation Practice: Deep relaxation and breathing-based meditation can help reduce physical tension and anxiety associated with fear. These practices include deep and slow breathing, focusing on sensations in the body, and gradually releasing tension in the muscles. They promote relaxation and calm, which can help cope with fear and develop inner confidence. It is important to note that regular meditation practice is key to achieving results. Start with small sessions and gradually increase the time devoted to meditation. And find a practice that best suits your needs and preferences. Changing attitudes and overcoming fear is a process that takes time, patience and practice. But little by little, step by step, we can free ourselves from fear and build healthier and happier relationships with ourselves, other people and the world at large. I wish you success in overcoming fear and developing a more fulfilling and free life! 🫶Sincerely yours, millionaire psychologist, hypnologist Vitaly Naumov An important step towards being more conscious will be the development of limiting beliefs. You can find a list of the main 200+ limiting settings at this link ⬇️ https://skydzen.ru/data/uploads/pdf/praktikapoiskaubezhdenij/practicum.pdf. I suggest continuing and deepening the work you have done in a personal consultation👉 WhatsApp, Tel: +79086311911👉 Subscribe https://t.me/lifeuspeh