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Where have the men gone? I hear this question in different variations and in different words in consultations with a psychologist, in groups, trainings, on psychological forums. But in fact, where have they gone? I’ll reveal a terrible secret. The men were eaten! By whom and how?! Let's talk about everything in order: A man is such if he has some kind of inner core. The desire for achievements, for creating an empire, conquering the world. In ordinary life, this is expressed in the fact that he at least wins one woman, protects her, and their common children. He is the breadwinner and the first after God for his small empire of several people. And he is such not in words, but in deeds. It sounds nice. But how does this work in reality? But in reality, the woman is often the man in the family. Why is this so? If a man does not have an internal motive for achievements, then this is most likely the consequences of severe psychological trauma, often not noticeable to him, and these consequences are sometimes incurable. As it is expressed: In very short terms, this is not solvency: social; financial. For example, he invites a girl to meet at your apartment (the message behind this is that I’m too lazy to organize a holiday for you and win you over, I’m waiting for you to give it to me out of pity). This is about the beginning of a relationship. Or he gives his wife security functions in the family. It's not just about making money. These are other aspects as well. For example, a wife solves difficult issues for her son at school. Relationships with teachers and peers. And what are these injuries that interrupted his full-fledged male development? The injuries are obvious. Upbringing in the family is female. Education in kindergarten is female. Education at school is female. Education in universities is female. A teacher in a kindergarten, a teacher at school, the head teacher and director at the school, and now often also the physical education and labor teacher, who previously were often men, are now also women, teachers at the university. This is a partial list of "main and significant adults" for a boy who are women. How do they raise him? Well, it’s probably obvious that they evaluate, adjust to their female gaze. So that they, women, would be comfortable with a little boy. And it’s most convenient for women with little girls. Assiduous, obedient, neatly dressed, efficient, and so on. And now he is no longer just a boy who has not grown up. He is already a little girl!!! In families, women increasingly play the dominant role. They solve the most important issues. And often it ensures the safety of the family. Earning or saving money from a foolish husband, an alcoholic. The boy had no room left for heroism. He got into a fight at school - his mother punished him. He missed school to earn money - the woman's mother, teacher, head teacher, grandmother devalued the act, humiliated him, punished him. Instead of a worthy man at the age of 18-23, studying, earning money, serving in the army - mediocre and worthless studies at some university, often with mother’s money. What is this mother thinking, I wonder, putting her child into university for her own money? Does she really believe that when a mature man sits at a desk instead of doing something more worthy, this is good? No. This is not good. The best years of your life are spent studying some kind of ciliate shoe. Do you believe that someone will value studying for which they themselves did not pay? No. Will not appreciate it. Rather, out of pity for his mother, who spent so much money on him, she goes to this university. At the same time, despising my mother and myself for this study. That someone will then work in the specialty they received at this age? Most often not. It won’t. And if we add to this the fact that many mothers often directly forbid working during this study, saying that it will interfere with studying, get a diploma first. Who will need this diploma after completing his studies? God willing, he will graduate from high school and receive a diploma in medicine, lawyer, psychologist, chemist, engineer, etc. will go to work in the Euroset. At least they pay decent money there. Only he will come there as an ordinary manager. Because the boss over him will be the one who has not spent these 5 years?