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From the author: the article was published on the website of our Center for Positive Psychology "SO!" www.treningi.me in the Simoron section. Create! Go for it! Love! WE ATTRACT LOVE First, let go of old, outdated and unnecessary relationships. As the Chinese sages said: if you want hot tea, pour the cold one out of the cup first! It is very important, when wanting to find love, not to get hung up on a specific, specific person! The desire will certainly come true as soon as you stop waiting for Him, (Her). It is a big mistake to demand EXACTLY THAT object, thing or person from the Matrix. What is the goal? To love and be loved. Create a family. Enjoy the company of the opposite sex, etc. This is what you need to tune in to and pay attention to - on the Goal (relationships), and not on the means of achieving it (a specific person). The Universe has prepared for you exactly the person you need, you just need to let him appear, and not stomp your feet and capriciously point your finger at a specific candidate. Our Brain, limited by the Habitual Picture of the World, is not always able to immediately understand what will be best - it can only build from already familiar cubes! :) Maybe this one will appear, or maybe another one, if this other one is much better than that one! Or maybe you’ll have to work a little magic to change yourself (your inner qualities, style of behavior, attitude towards the opposite sex) and then finally, This One or That One and exactly Those relationships will appear. If you understand that you are fixated on a particular person and his face seems to you everywhere and you, like Margarita, are ready to strip naked and fly after him (her) on a broom for at least the end of the world, but for some reason he is not at all interested in your flights, before you disrespect Love, it is important to “let go” of the one who holds you tightly in this reality and does not allow you to jump into another. How to let go? Obsession with a specific person, or in a certain type of relationship, let’s be honest, you need it for something! For example, in a relationship with him you play the role of a victim: “Oh, Me! Poor sheep! Wow, how my heart beats... Ah, this is Love... Alena Sviridova sings and you are with her, hugging a pillow, pouring a glass of wine for yourself and your unfortunate friend, who has been listening for an hour to how it is to be unloved or lonely, or to endure His betrayal! And in your suffering you are so Unrealistically Beautiful. These tears, and a cigarette, and a scoundrel - a scumbag - who is not worthy of you, suits you so well! High? No?! Then tell yourself: I’ve played enough of this!! And choose another role! How do you like the role of a creator? This is my favorite, for active girls!!:) He (a) does not reciprocate your feelings, well, or answers sluggishly. (or even married!), and you don’t give up, you come up with more and more new ways to win him (her). First, a striptease on the table for his birthday, then fly to another city for a couple of hours with a bouquet of flowers to his mother , we should congratulate her too! Next - the musicians you hired under his windows with the song: “Where are you, my light, wandering...”. The main verse, naturally, is performed by you. A poster bought with the last money flaunts on the way to his work with a photo of him in swimming trunks and the inscription: “I liked it! :) Darling, wait, where are you going, everything is just beginning! I haven’t climbed up the fire escape through your window yet. I didn’t have time to write on the wall opposite the window of your hotel room in Krasnaya Polyana (where you, naive, tried to hide from me and thought I wouldn’t find you! ha-ha!) How lucky I am with you!:)) And you weak? By the way, if you are a man and did everything described above for Her, and she, not appreciating your appearance at her place at 5 in the morning with flowers and the stuffed face of her new boyfriend, handed you over to the police, you can be congratulated! You are actually a super hero! And society very much approves of your action! The country needs heroes! Don’t you want to try on the role of a caring mother? Wipe the sniffles of the drunken fool, throw some money, warm him up, caress him and put the little ones under his warm barrel? And how would he live without you, so wretched as he is?needed by no one, will be lost, right?:( Order of the Mother of the Heroine - to the studio!!! And yours, young man, girl, foolish fool, will disappear like that? And she has nothing to live on, and no one to go to, and her childhood oh, how difficult it was! They didn’t teach her to love the poor thing, but that’s okay, you met her and now everything will be fine with her, right?;) Don’t like it? Are you ready to let go of this role or change it? Then thank her for the emotions, feelings that she gave you and change the rules of the game! Also, if you are very fixated on a certain person or type of relationship, you can do the following: Plant his (her) image in your imagination in a balloon, preferably yellow, it seems like a sign of separation. Inflate, tie, let go from the balcony, mentally saying goodbye to him (her), your unrealized expectations, those good and bad moments that connected you. And tell yourself that now you are ready for new, positive changes in your life and will wait for a gift from Fate, because there is such a sign: “A holy place is never empty!” Simoron rituals for love You can: SearchPrint an ad: Looking for! Further according to the situation follows a detailed listing of the desired properties of the desired object and what you are willing to give him in return for his presence in your life. For example: Urgently Looking for a Man! Wise. Calm. Knowing how to earn a living. Passionate about His Business. Healthy. Showing initiative in developing relationships. Passionately wanting to start a family with a bunch of children and carry his wife in his arms. Over 180 tall, brown-eyed. Sharing my values ​​and hobbies. I undertake to care for the owner of these qualities, feed him at least once a day. Wear high-heeled shoes and elastic stockings at least once a week! Equip the family nest in accordance with fashionable design innovations, entertain, amuse, take him to seaside resorts! We glue the advertisement to the window from the side of the apartment, with the text facing the street. Ladies or gentlemen who are more daring can launch airplanes with the text of an advertisement out of the window or hand out a Universal Materializer on the street with a phone number to their favorite candidates. Purpose: Gives physical form to your most brazen intention. Composition: 1. Any closed container: mystery box, clay teapot.2. Batteries must be new. They feed the materializer with energy. We fix it inside the teapot (or box). 3. The main components may vary depending on what needs to be materialized. For example: a. Sexual component: men's shower gel, b. Smart component: a book that's terribly smart. Sports component: three small models of cars (one, however, will not be enough!). Racing cars to make the prince active and sporty. d. Well, and an aesthetically attractive component: a photo of an elf of unearthly beauty from The Lord of the Rings... d. Monetary component: 2000 bucks is enough! Put all this in a teapot, a box, dance a “groovy” dance, pronounce a wish-intention in the present tense as many times as the prince should be old. And put the box in a prominent place. You can also draw up an Order: Give the good girl Mashenka her Prince, according to this list of qualities: (further list the qualities). And the signature at the bottom of the Super Important Guy. (Lord God, Medvedev, the head of your company or department for the materialization of desires). It’s good, while drinking, to constantly offer toasts: “To love!” “Let everyone find their love!” Bathing in Love. Write “Love” on the bath foam, you can write “Grooms” or whatever you want, whatever purrs and swim in it every day! Drawing hearts on the line of fate. On the palm of your hand on the line of fate, draw 2 hearts together with a Magic Pen! Write a fairy tale about your future love, which led to the wedding. How did you meet the young man, how did you confess your love to each other? Describe in detail how your lover proposed. Attract, lure, entice... Maybe some kind of enticementcome up with and attach it to yourself. Recipe from Natasha: Take various purring keychains, keys, hearts, letters and make yourself a lure “For love”. You just need to bring it to the mirror and solemnly announce what it was made for! I bought a magic set for this for children's creativity and designed it herself with letters and hearts! I attached it to my bag! The child liked it, he asked me for a long time what I was doing and why, after which he asked and made an attractive keychain for himself on his phone to attract fives! They say it's good if it crumbles in some crowded place! Everyone immediately calls and introduces themselves. The main thing is that something remains from the old enticement, and based on the old one, we make a new enticement! Or here’s another thing: take a small heart made of paper or a red ribbon, smear it with glue, sprinkle it with semolina and attach this simple device to the underwear of the magical Boo LOVE Coy !!! What does it mean - THERE WILL BE LOVE!!! And we read the poems: I love myself for my beloved, I will love with my love. My beloved will admire me and cling to me with love! Magic shoes You need to buy yourself magic shoes like Cinderella’s to attract love! Buy beautiful shoes for yourself with intention (to attract a loved one into your life). You have to wear them with intention too! Well, flaunt them wherever you want, it’s better in a crowded place so that you will be noticed! Hearts drawn on the fifth point with iodine. Also a very magical technique! You can draw hearts on your butt with iodine, you can use a mesh so that your loved one will be caught sooner! At one of my trainings, the beautiful Angelica, in order to catch men from a chic cottage village, decided to hang the hooks from her bra on their notice board, for bait, we are waiting for the result) Attracting love on the new moon ( You can do it on any other evening) Put a saucepan on your head and 1 striped sock on your right foot. Take a fork in your hand: Jumping around the apartment saying: “I am a magnet for love in a striped sock and with a saucepan on my head, I am a magnet for love, for health and wealth and for (specify whom (several people are possible)). After the ritual dance, eat dinner With the same fork, repeating the spell to yourself. To attract love, when going out, we smear ourselves with honey (you can catch it on your lips) You can catch Love in a multi-colored network of ribbons. you will call HER. We hang it outside at night, carry it with us during the day AND SO for 27 days. You can catch it with your red panties (if you want passionate love and a lot of sex), you can use pink ones if you are more focused on tender affection and serious ones. relationships. Grow Buy seeds or a plant and plant your love. Flowers will grow - love and relationships will grow, and then they will bloom and smell! And the choice of seeds: Aster “Bride”, aster “Princely Bride”, “Fountain of Desires”, “Dream”, “Magic Ball”, all dwarf ones can be bred in pots! Come up with a sign or several that signify the arrival of love and carry them out regularly. Step on your foot on the bus - a passionate admirer will appear. Saw couples kissing 10 times - for the imminent arrival of love. Lost umbrella - soon a loved one with a car will appear and an umbrella will no longer be needed! Signs can also be made up in the course of events. Once a knife flew onto the balcony of the famous simoron worker Lissy Moussa. She decided: Let the sign be like this: a knife for a happy meeting with her betrothed! A knife that flew onto the balcony should be poured generously with rainwater, then stand in the fresh air for several days. Early in the morning before sunrise, carefully take it with your right hand, wrap it in red silk, and bring it into the house! Cross the threshold only with the right foot! Place the knife on a dish, light two candles on the sides, pour sweet wine over it. Now this knife becomes magical! You can compose a poem (they composed this poem collectively on the forum, each wizard wrote a line!) If you can’t bear to get married You take a magic knife, Cut your cake with it Don’t eat until midnight, At midnight, likeThe clock will strike...Hang your panties on the balcony, Cut them into ribbons, Eat the gossip net and eat the cake, Attach a lantern to the net Look into the distance! On the net rustle with a knife and dance a square dance Beat off the beat with your foot Count the chimes Now I start dancing Two - my head is spinning Three - my lantern is burning! Four - the man appears in the apartment Five - we'll feast! Six - the cake is already there Seven - there's enough happiness for everyone! Eight - we don't ask for favors! Nine - we can do it ourselves Ten - the moon is shining in the sky11, 12 - it’s time to get caught! And I - the sun is clear - I’ll look out the window Oh, the man got caught in the net! Sing a wedding song! (Sing the final phrase loudly and solemnly. Gently wrap the caught husband, and before that the lantern (instead of the husband), in a net and put him to bed. Store the net carefully. If the knife itself does not want to fly onto the balcony, throw it in any convenient place for the ritual ! Ritual Red panties on a chandelier or on a window! Buy beautiful red panties (with hearts, beads, flowers), the main thing is that they purr, and hang them on the window with intention (to attract love into your life)! You put it on periodically, wash it and hang it up to dry again! It helps a lot to put panties on your head and dance to good music! The result is guaranteed:)))Bring home the Simoronsky Slipper Ritual for your husband. For the new moon you need to buy new men's slippers. Take your time when choosing - you should really like the slippers, you should see them and understand that this is exactly them. No compromises! (They say that one woman, who wanted to get a husband, bought cheap Chinese slippers at the market, and then could not get rid of the attention of dubious-looking guys on the street. For better results, you can drive the slippers for several days in an expensive car). The slippers should “stand” in the corridor for 3 days; do not allow anyone to wear them during this time. After 3 days, at exactly midnight, get on all fours in the corridor, having first opened the door slightly. Place your hands in your slippers, with the toes facing the inside of the house. Now you need to stomp your hands in slippers 3 times and shout: “Betrothed, mummer, without bad habits, show up!” That’s it, expect that someone will appear in your life soon. Below is an example of using the ritual of one of the training participants: It’s been two years since I’ve been in free flight! From the first days of my free life (after 9 years of marriage), I did everything - the first thing I did was buy slippers! She took them to exhibitions, cinemas, cafes, and clubs. My Fairy Godmother rolled them in her car for 3 weeks. Why, I celebrated the first New Year after the divorce alone with these slippers! They drank a bottle of champagne and seated them at the head of the table))) After that, the grooms went in shoals! The first frame was caught right at the bus stop! I barely fought back. Click You need to click on the street near unfamiliar handsome men. You need to click 10 people! Better - 11 (1 control). Moreover, not just click unnoticed, but approach with a serious look and ask, “Man (woman), allow me to click near you?” If the man agrees, gracefully click and say, “Congratulations, now we are sure to be lucky in love.” The options can be specified as “Me and you!”, “Me and you together”, “You and me”, or everyone separately. But luck is a must! All those who are cautious and doubtful should be calmly released and wait for the next one. Only voluntary clicking counts. Remember what those being clicked will say. Change your image If, ​​despite your active role in finding a marriage partner, you come across the wrong ones, perhaps it’s time to change yourself or your way of acting in relation to the opposite sex, in order to attract other partners! You can analyze what qualities you lack and add them with items.objects that personify these qualities. For example: Magic Hat from Feni. I decided to give my friend, a very businesslike girl, a magic hat for her birthday. Crocheted from pink threads, with frills and ribbons. Since this is a gift option, the size is not large, doll size. Rules of use: carry with you to attract men who are ready to carry a woman in their arms. You can play a fairy tale: I am the one who.. (next we choose a role that compensates for those qualities that we lack in order to attract the desired partner, or the one that just purrs) For example, to attract enterprising suitors who want to get married. You are the frog princess, he, as expected, is Ivanushka. You put on everything green: a green skirt, blouse, panties, hat, earrings, green boots or shoes. You travel like this on public transport for a couple of days, or just appear in public. Like, here I am, a frog-frog, waiting for my prince! On the 3rd day, you stage the arrival of the treasured arrow on your balcony. You can also compose a song and a frog dance and perform it with intention! You can take any fairy tale with a happy ending, any character and desired scenario. To attract adult, responsible men with whom you can be a “little girl.” (good for changing the situation in those cases , when “little boys” come across in a relationship. Invented at a training for Natasha: We put on a short pink skirt, plastic pink earrings and “walk” a new look, singing the Barbochka song. Ritual with horseradish. For ladies. (invented by participants in one of the trainings of the Pope and Beards) We find a large horseradish root, 2 kinder surprise eggs and decorations for horseradish. We dress up the root, tie the kinders. Dip it into the water and splash it on ourselves. I sprinkle it with horseradish spirit, I appoint the Queen of life, I inseminate everything, I allow you to live as you want. fuck it! Pretend that everything is already there. Look and try on wedding dresses, call registry offices, choose limousines, buy rings (you can buy jewelry) Remember the “Runaway Brides” campaign of Cosmopolitan magazine? When girls all in white wedding dresses ran through the streets in the absence of grooms? So, the action has become incredibly popular in all cities of Russia, because... Within a year, all the runaway brides turned out to be married ladies! One of the training participants says: This situation always happened. They asked me: - When will you get married? I'm tired of it. “Yes, in a year,” I answer, in the summer, and I didn’t even have anyone in mind. Result: after 2 months I meet a man and marry him in the summer! !!Visualize, meditate.!!From Feng Shui - place images of peonies (for unmarried girls), images and figurines of paired animals, photographs of loving couples. It is better to place in the South-West of the apartment or your room. Pink and peach bedding works great shades. In general, paired items are always helpful (two toothbrushes, two towels, etc.) The most Feng Shui talisman is a couple of mandarin ducks (carry with you, place in the southwest, communicate with them) Good to place in southwestern sector, and also decorate the front door with the hieroglyph of double luck for love. And we also know the universal law: what you give is what you receive. So if you want love, give love! You can draw many symbols of double luck and give it to your friends, as well as talismans of love: ducks, paired angels, hearts, etc.. Ritual of attracting love on the Full Moon When the Sun begins to set, stand by the window or on the balcony, practice a little blowing beautiful soap bubbles. When you start to get huge, rainbow-colored bubbles, mentally place yourself and your loved one, whom you don’t have yet, but whom you want to attract, into one of them. Visualize your images together. And release the bubble to the moon. When the Sun sets, the wind and the forces of nature will do their job, your message will be delivered. You can release not one, but several of these bubbles to be sure.Rituals from other authors: Techniques for attracting a soul mate from Vadim Zeland For ladies. Write a thought form on a piece of paper: I am a very charming person. The inner light of charm, love and sex emanates from me. I am a luminous being. I attract men to me. My man finds me. Place a glass of water on this piece of paper. Rub your palms, move them like an accordion, imagine a dense clot like a balloon between your palms. This is your energy. Place the glass between your palms without touching it. Speak this thought form consciously and with conviction, imagining its meaning in your imagination if possible. Then drink water. Do this procedure in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening before going to bed. Your intention will be realized. I have tested this technique many times with different thought forms. Works very strongly. Men should rewrite the text in their own way. Something like this: I am a very charming person. The inner light of charm, love and sex emanates from me. I am a luminous being. Women like me, they want me. I find my soul mate. And of course, you can use any thought forms. Make them yourself - about what you especially strive for. For example, if you already have a couple, replace “I attract…” with “people like me”, or “I have a good appearance, I look attractive, and every day I’m getting better and better.” You will be very surprised how quickly reality reacts. The particle “not” cannot be used. The thought form should be life-affirming. And no abstract and verbose wishes. Everything should be specific, concise and aimed at one goal. If you have several goals, then it is advisable to set only one for each glass of water. For example, today you work with one goal, tomorrow with another. Or in the morning with one, in the evening with the other. Why does this technique work? Water is not an amorphous mixture, it has a structure - its molecules are combined into clusters - conglomerates of particles that change their shape depending on external influences. That is why information can be written into water, like on a magnetic tape - to “speak” it. Oddly enough, scientists learned about clusters much later than the first ships were launched into space. And the grandmothers were aware of this a long time ago and successfully applied it in practice. And if the thought form is aimed at healing, then the water becomes healing - it acquires the properties of a medicine for the disease that you intend to cure, and is sent straight to the right address. The origin of holy water is similar. A piece of paper also has its functions. Firstly, when you do not just say a thought form, but write it down, it acquires additional power. Secondly, even just one word pasted on a container of water charges the water with information inherent in the meaning of this word. The clusters that form can be seen under a microscope after freezing. Famous experiments have shown that words such as “love you”, “thank you”, “hello” give rise to snowflakes of divine beauty, and negative words - ugly ice cubes. Why this happens, one can only wonder. You can’t call it anything other than God’s providence. Of course, the main role here is played by the intention of the person who is aware of the word when he writes and sticks it on the container. Finally, the energy from your hands amplifies and localizes the intention, causing the water to be charged quickly and effectively. The recorded information will spread throughout the body and configure the morphological biofield to emit a given intention. Feng Shui ritual to attract your soulmate Take 4 peas, wrap them in paper and say the intention, put the package under the pillow. The next day, when it gets a little dark, we go outside and in any place you like (favorite park, favorite street, place) and scatter these peas on 4 sides. Prepare. Gastronomic rituals A ritual to melt the heart of a loved one. It is addressed to those who who is there!