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There are white and black stripes in our lives. What to do when everything in life didn’t go as planned, as you wanted, but it didn’t work out. We begin to get upset, suffer, and experience internal conflict. We can continue to drive ourselves into a dead end, looking for reasons and culprits, but this does not make it any easier. But it’s better to look for a way out of the problem! How to find it? - through awareness of the problem, the desire to solve it, planning your life. To do this, you need to sit comfortably, concentrate your attention and thoughts and answer the questions: 1. What exactly is the most important thing in my life?2. How do I want to live and live my life?3. What do I think about happiness, and what do I need to be happy? The answers to these questions need to be written down on paper, then, after reading them again, try to comprehend your life. Next - determine life goals and priorities and, finally, how you can achieve the goals you have set for yourself. KNOW YOURSELF, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, LOVE YOURSELF The path out of internal conflict can be difficult and requires confidence, firmness and energy. You will have to take responsibility for your life without burdening your parents and those around you with a lack of money and influential friends. Responsibility is the flip side of freedom of choice. If a person chooses freedom, responsibility and choice fall on him. Work on yourself. How? In the direction of planned changes. You need to choose priorities in life and try to be happy in life! All people make mistakes in life. This is normal, but the main thing is not to repeat your mistakes. This is the secret of a successful life. This is, first of all, admitting your mistake, your guilt, your mistake. But don’t criticize yourself and others, don’t blame everything on life, circumstances, evil fate, enemies. But just find your mistake and try to change something in yourself. To do this, you need to analyze your life. How often do we “fall” into the same “pit”, repeating the same mistake? Where does this come from? Maybe this style of behavior once helped to successfully resolve a problem? And we transferred it to solving all other problems. But people and problems are completely different and need to be approached differently. It is important to diversify your strategies: change your reaction to what is happening, your usual style of behavior (if they do not lead to success). Smile more often! After all, cheerful, cheerful people have fewer conflicts and have less conflict with them. Cultivate a positive attitude towards life - avoid negative thoughts. Our words, good or bad, have a strong effect on those around us, bringing them good or sorrow. Negative thoughts also have a strong influence. We become what we imagine ourselves to be. Therefore, it is important to fight both negative words and negative thoughts. Do not criticize yourself. By criticizing ourselves, we become dissatisfied with ourselves, those around us and life in general. You need to be patient with yourself and focus on your positive qualities. And try to overcome or let go of all the negativity. You need to live every day of your life like it’s your last. Enjoy every minute! Quarrels are an integral part of relationships between people. This does not mean that we should continue to quarrel with others or accept the fact that we are constantly scolded. This means that we have the power to become better, to change our attitude towards others and towards life in general..