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Cognitive dissonance is a state of internal tension that arises whenever a person has two conflicting knowledge (cognitions) about the same thing. Internally it is experienced as discomfort, which a person strives to get rid of in the following ways: - by exaggerating one of cognitions in comparison with another; - a decrease in the significance of both cognitions; - the adoption of a new one that removes contradictions. The consequence of a change in cognitions can be new behavior or tactics of unconscious self-deception, aimed at preserving the existing worldview and self-attitude. The stronger the dissonance, the more pronounced the desire to reduce it or come to internal agreement. Dissonance and behavior in society: 1. the influence (communication, information, training) that will reduce dissonance will be subjectively felt as more useful; Therefore, with different problems they often go to different people (to complain about their husband to their mother, to complain to their husband about difficulties at work, to read a forum after a quarrel with their mother, and so on), arguing that it is this person (book, specialist) who helps this issue. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes this is just a place where the tension decreases, but the problem does not go away. 2. therefore, when faced with a strong contradiction, a person often looks for like-minded people and seeks communication with them to receive social support; It is quite natural that in order to relieve tension one wants to find support in the person of people who think they act and solve problems in a similar way. So, having done something bad for natural reasons, you want to talk to those who also did it. Sometimes this is quite constructive behavior, but it is not always the case.3. The transition from self-deception to behavior change can be caused by creating extreme dissonance that cannot be reduced by conventional means; Direct confrontation with facts (about which there was a controversial opinion) leads to a solution to the dissonance. Such a collision can be either an accident or a directly asked question, the answer to which was not obvious for a long time. 4. if a person has done something that is not related to his internal predispositions or external factors, then one can expect his own beliefs to be adjusted to this behavior; Thus, the cheating spouse, who previously considered such an act unacceptable, may suddenly change this point of view and strenuously argue that Under certain circumstances, cheating is a completely normal thing. If cognitive dissonance is not resolved for a long time or is resolved destructively every time, this can lead to the formation of neurosis, and, as a consequence, to psychosomatic illness. How do you deal with your cognitive dissonance??