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Most people don't understand that the mind doesn't exist to make you happy; its number one function is to make sure you survive. Prosperity and creating the life of your dreams is what you have to fight for. If you start improving some of your daily mental habits, then it will become much easier for you to achieve your goals. Once you connect your mind with the vision you want to create, everything will become more accessible. It is necessary that you train your body, that you train your mind just as hard (if not harder). Your thoughts determine what you do and how you react to life situations. As a result, the way you think has a huge impact on your level of success and happiness. And luckily, it's possible to train your mind to be stronger in almost any way you like. However, changing the way you think isn't exactly a walk in the park. In fact, years of bad habits and unconscious automatic thinking patterns can do a workout to your brain very difficult. So, where can you start? In this article, you will learn how to train your brain and sharpen your mind. Learn to silence your mind. When you silence your mind, you will be able to find out what is holding you back in any area of ​​your life. When your mind is calm, you show up better in the world because you are not as anxious, stressed, or worried about small things. With a calm mind, you will be able to solve problems faster and get the results you have always dreamed of. If you never take the time to calm down, you will never be able to harness the almost unlimited power of your subconscious mind. Transformation begins when you learn how to quiet your mind and find inner peace. Some of the best ways to silence the mind include meditation, yoga, quiet environments, self-hypnosis. All of this will help you silence your mind so that you can use your creativity and intuition more often. Create a 3-year vision. It is important to communicate to your mind what you want in life with a clear picture. Then think about the vision, read the statement, and visualize your vision coming to life. Doing these exercises will help activate the power of your mind to achieve this vision. A three-year vision is an ideal time frame because it gives you enough time to achieve your goals while creating a sense of urgency. Sometimes 5-10 year visions are so far into the future that your mind has a hard time comprehending them. Start by creating a vision of all aspects of your life, not just how much money you want to make. Instead, divide your vision into several parts, including health, relationships, spirituality and finances. Then read and imagine your written vision as if it were here and now. Do this regularly. With enough repetition, your mind will help you act on that vision and turn your dream into a reality. Divide your goals into three parts. To realize your three-year vision and train your mind to help you make it possible, I suggest turning your vision into more tangible steps. The reason is that sometimes a big goal or vision is too scary for your brain and it will perceive it as fear. Your mind will evaluate your current situation compared to your vision and realize that there is a big gap. So, to make it easier and less daunting for your brain, break down your vision into actionable 90-day goals. I've found that if you give yourself a year, you'll probably save (it's human nature). Instead, set 90-day goals and then divide them into weekly goals to keep yourself on track and act on your dreams. Celebrate your wins: One of the best ways to program your mind for success is to celebrate your wins regularly. I say noonly about big victories. Instead, you want to celebrate all the wins in every area of ​​your life. The reason? Your brain loves it when you celebrate wins because it releases the feel-good chemicals dopamine and serotonin. Because the mind seeks out this chemical like a drug addict, once it tastes it, it will only want more. Start giving yourself credit for everything you do and constantly acknowledge yourself. Whether it's getting up earlier, working out longer, getting more clients, calling your family, or anything else, keep celebrating. I invite you to celebrate yourself as if your life depends on it (because it does). Minimize social media and social media. Social media allows people to procrastinate and not take action on their dreams. Moreover, it also makes it very easy for people, especially teenagers, to have the habit of comparing themselves to others and creating a negative image of themselves. Social media teaches us to compare our lives instead of appreciating all that we are. No wonder why everyone is always depressed. Do yourself a favor and take a digital detox every day and try to make it last as long as possible. Not only will you likely feel happier and less anxious, but you'll also likely be able to get a lot more done. No one has ever come up with a billion-dollar idea while mindlessly scrolling through their Instagram feed*. By keeping social media to a minimum, you can learn to be quiet and use your true power - your mind! Plus, you'll be less likely to compare yourself to others, which is pointless since the only person you'd ever want to compare to is yourself is you. The more information we load or take in, the more superficial our thinking becomes and the more fragmented our brain systems become. Practice gratitude. The more you experience gratitude, the better you will feel on a regular basis. And the better you feel, the more likely you are to attract positive people and experiences into your life. You can express gratitude in many different ways, even if you're not where you want to be in life. The fact that you are alive means you have a chance to change your circumstances. Don't just write the same three things in your gratitude journal and call it good. Instead, express gratitude to others by calling, emailing, and texting. Also, don't forget to express gratitude to the most important person in the world - yourself. Challenge limiting beliefs If you're like most people, your childhood gave you a framework filled with many limiting beliefs about your potential. But here's the thing: you can't create the best decade of your life unless you challenge your current belief system. If your belief system is not aligned with your vision and goals, your mind will sabotage your success. What got you here won't get you where you want to go in life. So instead of accepting your old belief system, you need to realize that you can change it, no matter your age. Remember, a belief is just a thought that you think over and over again. This does not mean that beliefs are facts; All this means is that you have programmed your mind to think these thoughts over and over again. But you can think differently and create a new reality. So instead of accepting beliefs from your childhood, put yourself out there and start challenging any beliefs that are stopping you from achieving your dreams. Once you identify the weak spots in your life, you can begin to create a set of new, empowering beliefs. These new beliefs will help you develop as a person and become a person who can achieve your dreams. Love yourself. YouEver had a day when you felt low and felt like you were your own worst enemy? This usually happens when you allow a few negative thoughts to get out of hand and wreak havoc on your day. It's easy to get discouraged when things don't go the way you want. One way to reduce the number of such bad days is to focus on self-love. The more you love yourself, the better you will be in every aspect of your life. Learn to love yourself more so that you can have more positive and uplifting thoughts about yourself. Remember that loving yourself will lead to better self-care, will attract more of the right people into your life, and you will likely achieve more than ever before could imagine. Doing whatever you want is not self-love, but selfishness; doing everything that is beneficial is self-love. Work less. Working more than 40 hours a week will not advance you in life or business. So instead of working more and hustling, I encourage you to work smarter, not harder . Plan your work day, avoid distractions, turn off your phone and get more done in less time. Additionally, another way to increase productivity is to set shorter deadlines to force yourself to work efficiently rather than longer. Stay in the present. Make it a habit to stay in the now. If you spend time in the past or worry about the future, success and happiness are almost impossible. Instead, use mindfulness techniques to stay aware of your thoughts. Remember that the past no longer exists and the future has not yet arrived. All you have is now, so focus on where you are and what you are doing every day. Revisiting the past and worrying about the future takes away from the present moment. Worrying more won't change anything. Learn to forgive yourself for the past and enjoy every second you live. Plan your life. To give your mind greater clarity and set you up for success, plan your week in advance. Write it down and put it into action. You will rarely achieve your goals if you wake up every day struggling and reacting. Each month, plan your weeks with large blocks of time that will move you closer to your goals. Then, every Sunday evening, plan your week in more detail to make sure you have time to accomplish everything you need to do. That way, you wake up rested and ready to go. You don't have to worry about using all your brainpower thinking about what's coming next. By slowing down at the end of the week, you can pick up the pace at the beginning of the week. Make studying a daily habit. Do you make studying a daily requirement or more of a random thing that happens when you have free time? If you want to train your mind, you need to make a focused effort to make it part of your daily life. Read classic books, listen to motivational podcasts, and buy online courses that will help you develop new ideas and help you think differently. Train your mind to think like a champion by consuming content that will only help you improve your level in life. Single-tasking: These days, many people rarely do only one thing at a time: have you ever watched TV, scrolled through social media, sent someone... that email while drinking your morning coffee, or reading a book while listening to music? Here's the thing: multitasking, skimming, and moving from task to task may seem effective, but in fact it's the opposite. We keep stressing ourselves out, so we all time morally exhausted. Our battery is too worn out to really engage in deep thinking and be more efficient. Producing at an elite level requires focus. So, if you want to train your brain so you can do more work at a higher level, you need to train your mind to do one things foronce. Slow down and practice focusing 100% on the task at hand. Try savoring your food without being distracted by anything, or let's say, go about your routine completely immersed in it, you will see how much new things will open up to you. Meditate. Science has shown that mindfulness meditation helps engage new neural pathways in the brain. These paths can improve introspection skills and mental flexibility—two attributes that are critical to success. Moreover, another study found that brief daily meditation improved attention, memory, mood, and emotional regulation in inexperienced meditators. However, the study also found that it takes eight weeks of consistent, brief daily meditation to see results. So, stick with it - it works. Reframe negative thoughts. Most people think negative thoughts from time to time, but these thoughts can prevent us from achieving our goals. Our life is what our thoughts make it. Luckily, you can train your brain to be positive by reframing negative thoughts whenever you notice them. How? Practice self-awareness. Whenever you feel down, talk to yourself and try to identify the negative thought cycle at play. You may be thinking things like: “Who cares,” “I'll never get this right,” “this won't work,” or “what's the point?” When you catch these intrusive thoughts, practice replacing them with new ones, such as : “Practice makes perfect,” “I'm fine,” “failure is just feedback,” “if I keep working hard, I'll get there in the end.” If it seems a little fake when you start, that's okay! Look for evidence to support your new point of view. For example, if you think, “This will never work,” list at least one reason why it might work. Use your memory more. It may seem obvious, but one of the best ways to train your brain is to rely on your memory more often. For example, if you have a to-do list or a shopping list, try to remember the next item before checking the list. You can also memorize your debit card numbers, friends' phone numbers, license plates, and addresses. Get into the habit of committing something to memory. These simple mental sharpening exercises are likely to improve your understanding when learning other things. Read. Another way to practice your brain - read often, preferably every day. Science has proven that reading can improve your cognitive function, develop language skills and increase your attention span. Plus, the process of reading not only trains your brain for success, but you will also learn new things! Learn something new. Is there a better way to practice learning than just learning something new? If you want to train your brain for success, here's what to do: Determine what you want to achieve, then reverse engineer the steps you need steps to achieve this, and learn each step as you go. Whether you're learning to bake, make origami, or build a business, consider taking a free online course to learn something new. Grow your social life .Our brain constantly receives signals and new information. So, if you want to train your brain effectively, you need to improve what affects your mind all day, every day. And one of the biggest influences on our minds is the people we spend time with. Americans have a saying - “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Perhaps this is why friendship groups tend to have similar interests, views and ideas. So, evaluate how your social life influences the way you think and take action. Ideally, you want to surround yourself with a smart and diverse group of people who inspire you to improve yourself and work on your.