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In short, to everyone who has parents. It is especially useful for people without psychiatric diagnoses; for them it can be most effective, even more than antidepressants or tranquilizers, if we are talking not about a short-term effect, but a long-term one. The effects of the pills wear off sooner or later, but the awareness, knowledge, skills and insights about yourself that you gain as a result of undergoing psychotherapy remain with you forever. And yet, more specifically, I identify for myself the following categories of situations or problems, working on which in psychotherapy you can reach a qualitatively new level of life: if you don’t know what you want, have lost your taste for life, feel apathy and loss the meaning of life; if you don’t have close friends and can’t find them, although you want and try to do so; if you don’t have a romantic relationship: either you’ve never had one, or every now and then they end in your disappointment, and you want to figure it out why this happens, and also want to learn how to build happy love relationships; if it is difficult for you to say “no”, and meanwhile you are tired of being convenient for everyone around, but not for yourself; if you live the life of your children and loved ones, solve their problems, and put your own life on pause; if there were any addictions in your parental family (alcohol, drugs, gambling addiction, gambling, workaholism, etc.), then you definitely have something to understand in psychotherapy , because a dysfunctional family greatly influences the child’s psyche; if there was violence in your parental family, be it physical or emotional; if you yourself are in a codependent relationship; if you have increased anxiety, obsessive thoughts, strong fears and phobias; if in your life in any of its areas there are recurring negative scenarios. Psychotherapy will help you get out of the vicious circle; if you have difficulties with work: it is impossible to find a suitable job or it is difficult to hold on to it, as well as emotional burnout and a lack of understanding of where exactly you can go to work, so that work is not a duty, but the realization of your potential for decent money; if you are tired of scandals and quarrels with your partner or children; if you have a personal or age crisis; if you are experiencing loss or separation from a loved one. In this case, undergoing psychotherapy will help you go through the entire process of grief as environmentally and carefully as possible for yourself and will not allow it to go according to a pathological scenario; if you have problems of a sexual nature, although there are no problems with physical health; if, in principle, you often have complaints on your well-being, although doctors say that you are healthy and have nothing critical. I'm sure I forgot to mention something, but what I want to especially note is that psychotherapy is an investment in yourself and your quality of life. It does not always have to be long-lasting, but, as a rule, if the problem is deep and lasting for many years, then the psyche has managed to develop a number of protective mechanisms to cope with it and it takes time to rebuild them, and possibly deactivate them, and learn other ways of living . The process of psychotherapy is not easy, but if you allow yourself to take this matter seriously, it can become very inspiring and interesting, you will find many discoveries about yourself and your ways of living. And if you manage to overcome your resistance and fears of change, then you and your life will never be the same again, changes will be inevitable. Which of the problems have I not yet touched upon and perhaps you have a question, can psychotherapy help in this case? Write in the comments. I wish you all a conscious and satisfying life! I invite you to short-term and long-term work. You can sign up for a consultation by calling +79819139027, writing to WhatsApp or Telegram.