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From the author: Techniques for assessing a child’s behavior during a 3-year-old crisis. Childhood is a period that lasts from newborn to full social, and, therefore, mental maturity; This is the period of a child becoming a full-fledged member of human society. During observations of three-year-old children, a very unique set of behavior clearly emerged: 1. The desire to achieve the result of their activity: children do not just manipulate objects, but persistently search for the right way to solve a problem. 2. Having achieved what they want, they immediately strive to demonstrate their successes to an adult, without whose approval these successes largely lose their value. 3. Children have a heightened sense of self-esteem, which is expressed in increased sensitivity and sensitivity to recognition of their achievements, emotional outbursts over trifles and exaggeration of their own successes. By the age of three, the child has his own desires. The desire for independence and independence from the adult, both in the actions and desires of the child, which has increased towards the end of early childhood, leads to significant complications in the relationship between the child and the adult. This period in psychology is called the three-year crisis. This age is critical because over the course of just a few months the child’s behavior and his relationships with people around him change significantly. In the crisis of three years, with the separation of oneself from one’s actions and from an adult, a new discovery of oneself and the adult occurs. The crisis of 3 years is one of the most acute. It is spicy not only for the child, but more so for the parent. The child is uncontrollable and becomes angry. The behavior is almost impossible to correct. So, in many cases, a crisis begins at three years of age, a crisis can begin as early as 2.5 years, and will end at 3.5 - 4 years. In some children it occurs clearly; in others, on the contrary, it is unnoticeable. The crisis begins and ends unnoticed, with affective outbursts, whims, conflicts with loved ones. The 3-year-old crisis in children is a serious test for parents, but at this time it is even harder for the child. He does not understand what is happening to him and is not able to control his behavior. And he needs your support. Don’t forget to praise the kids for good behavior and encourage independence: “Katyusha, well done!” Little children don’t know how to clean up their toys, but Katyusha knows how,” tell your grandmother or dad who comes home from work: “Katyusha is so smart today – she went to bed during the day.” This will help your child develop a positive self-image. Scheme for assessing the child’s behavior “You-message”: Description of the child’s actions (you did) _Description of the child’s efforts (you tried)_Description of the result of the activity (you achieved). Scheme for assessing the child’s behavior “I-message”: Expression of your feelings, experiences and emotions to adults_ Non-judgmental description of a child’s behavior or action in an impersonal form_Description of the reasons for an adult’s negative reaction.